Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

OK, finally caught up !

You guys going to the show have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am setting a goal for myself (and Einstein) to finish all the upstairs walls this week end.
We have 1 short wall up around the shower stall...we need to do all the knee walls (3 1/2 ' tall) that run down both sides of the upstairs where the roof hits the floor, then we run wire & outlets in these knee walls..............and the up stairs bath.....................and then we can complete the electrical altogether & get it inspected.

Been fiddle-farting around with other stuff the last few weeks and MUST get back on tract with the build.

That, and 8 giant blue berry plants that I planted 2 years ago that the chickens have kept eaten down to sticks, have got to be moved.
I have decided I gotta move 2 a day ASAP.................even in the rain...............I am tired just thinking of all this !!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, most of Coastal's chicks looked like they were at least a week or two old. Some could have been 3. I wonder if, because the store is fairly new, that they bought too many for what they could sell. All the blue-koted babies. So sad. I had actually sent a picture of them to Jessica because I thought they had gotten into the dyed-chick biz and I was ticked off about it. Usually I will go and watch the chicks for a while. I left right away because I was so upset about the little purple chicks. Jess found out it was blue-kote, which made me feel better knowing they didn't buy dyed chicks, but still sad they have too many chicks for too long in those bins.

I'm a skimmer. Actually, I'm not on here much - but I think I saw a comment that someone thought the chicks that were called "Araucana" from Coastal were true. They're not. But, that is standard for hatchery birds.

ETA: All of my birds, except Penny, are mixed breeds or hatchery birds (a.k.a. mutts). I love my mutt chickens.
They're the best!
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Yesterday, most of Coastal's chicks looked like they were at least a week or two old.  Some could have been 3.  I wonder if, because the store is fairly new, that they bought too many for what they could sell.  All the blue-koted babies.  So sad.  I had actually sent a picture of them to Jessica because I thought they had gotten into the dyed-chick biz and I was ticked off about it.  Usually I will go and watch the chicks for a while.  I left right away because I was so upset about the little purple chicks.  Jess found out it was blue-kote, which made me feel better knowing they didn't buy dyed chicks, but still sad they have too many chicks for too long in those bins.

I'm a skimmer.  Actually, I'm not on here much - but I think I saw a comment that someone thought the chicks that were called "Araucana" from Coastal were true.  They're not.  But, that is standard for hatchery birds.

ETA:  All of my birds, except Penny, are mixed breeds or hatchery birds (a.k.a. mutts).  I love my mutt chickens.  :love   They're the best!
i daw them yesterday too! Poor babies and then i corrected the cashier when she was telling one lady that they were picking because new feathers are always itchy and chicks always do that!!! I think their rmployees need some training to properly answer questions. And i eas also suprised to see guinea keets there too. No info near them about them there. May see them on craigslist soon once city peeps realize how noisey they can be... But the store is new still so i guess they gotta work out the kinks. Im still partial to go to bills country farm and feed in enumclaw unless they dont have what im lookin for.
OK, finally caught up !

You guys going to the show have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am setting a goal for myself (and Einstein) to finish all the upstairs walls this week end.
We have 1 short wall up around the shower stall...we need to do all the knee walls (3 1/2 ' tall) that run down both sides of the upstairs where the roof hits the floor, then we run wire & outlets in these knee walls..............and the up stairs bath.....................and then we can complete the electrical altogether & get it inspected.

Been fiddle-farting around with other stuff the last few weeks and MUST get back on tract with the build.

That, and 8 giant blue berry plants that I planted 2 years ago that the chickens have kept eaten down to sticks, have got to be moved.
I have decided I gotta move 2 a day ASAP.................even in the rain...............I am tired just thinking of all this !!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got tuckered out reading all of this!!!

I agree with you Jessica. I was very disappointed when I saw the condition of the chicks at Coastal today. They looked pretty sad.

I was at Coastal today too and saw the pecked birds. We actually got 5 chicks there last week and they are doing well here. I considered getting the wood pellets to use in my brooder but decided to stick with the pine shavings. The chicks we got were supposed to be two days old last Friday but their wings are feathered already so I think they may be older.

Yesterday, most of Coastal's chicks looked like they were at least a week or two old.  Some could have been 3.  I wonder if, because the store is fairly new, that they bought too many for what they could sell.  All the blue-koted babies.  So sad.  I had actually sent a picture of them to Jessica because I thought they had gotten into the dyed-chick biz and I was ticked off about it.  Usually I will go and watch the chicks for a while.  I left right away because I was so upset about the little purple chicks.  Jess found out it was blue-kote, which made me feel better knowing they didn't buy dyed chicks, but still sad they have too many chicks for too long in those bins.

I'm a skimmer.  Actually, I'm not on here much - but I think I saw a comment that someone thought the chicks that were called "Araucana" from Coastal were true.  They're not.  But, that is standard for hatchery birds.

ETA:  All of my birds, except Penny, are mixed breeds or hatchery birds (a.k.a. mutts).  I love my mutt chickens.  :love   They're the best!

What makes me mad about Coastal is that when I ask who's in charge of the chicks nobody seems to know or care. They look at me like I'm nuts when I say they have at least a dozen chicks with pasty butt who will die soon if that isn't addressed and they didn't even go look, ask which bin, or anything. I stood there another 10 minutes and nobody came to check them out or care for any of the concerns I expressed.
Hello All! I hope everyone is doing well! I tried to catch up. Truly I did, but 1200 posts is a little out of my focus factor! lol...

There are so many new people! Welcome!!!

So, I have 30 rose-comb anconas in lockdown (out of 36). Lots of movement in those babies! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of these. If anyone is interested in the RCA's from eliz, pm me!

Also, I am still seeking any volunteer/intern/apprenticeships with farms nearby if anyone needs some help and can teach me the ropes, I would love that! I can cook as well.

That's what I get for not checking in more often. I will have to see if we can change our "Spring Fair" day to "Chicken Show" day.

Quote: Yay! Can't wait to see them!

Love that picture!

the incubator is chirping again! first of the turkey poults hatching over the next few hours. still have abut 150 that have not reached lock down yet, and another 120 comming in to be set latter today.
Yay! Hooray for turkey day!!!
Wow, Thanks! GREAT information and pics. We've never had any luck with the small cold frames we've built. And I've never ventured into the hot frames. Where do you get the heating tape? Do you still have to monitor the temp so the sun doesn't fry them? Or do you keep them out of the sun?

I wonder if a person could use an old ice chest (not the flimsy styrofoam one) , remove the lid and set a window on top? Or do they need to be slanted (higher on the back)?

So many questions

I think I really want one (or five) of these.
Well, now I have a nice BLRW rooster and an incubator to use, yay. Progress is being made!

Need to eat lunch, check cows, cut plastic and wire and get the Ameraucana cockerel's abode done (oh, yeah: put the gate latch on that, duh) and, some time today, go BACK to Del's because I forgot to get cat litter, and get the grocery shopping I can't do tomorrow done tonight: dog and cat food! Can't run out of that!

What makes me mad about Coastal is that when I ask who's in charge of the chicks nobody seems to know or care. They look at me like I'm nuts when I say they have at least a dozen chicks with pasty butt who will die soon if that isn't addressed and they didn't even go look, ask which bin, or anything. I stood there another 10 minutes and nobody came to check them out or care for any of the concerns I expressed.

Sounds like since they care so little, you could put on a nametag and employee outfit (if they have uniforms) and clean them up and they wouldn't think twice. If that bin has been deserted, they wouldn't even notice you there.
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