Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Update on my genius chickys. First day with thier roost and they have all mastered the ones I set up at 1 and 2 inches high. 2 of our chicks have even made it up to the one I set at about 5 inches high. As I said before, I am one proud mama over here!

Yep Genius Chicks for Sure!

I just have to share this with you..... That's her substitute for a perch, a 16oz sour cream tub.
She slept up there too!
My caption was "Dude... what's her problem?"

So anyone can find me tomorrow, I will be wearing a Tigger ball cap and a red hoodie that has "Al's Dad" on the back. And I will have my camera bag too(gotta get some pics of birds to show DW for future acquisitions)

Chick Audie: I kinda think he knows the difference, and that it was a silly joke. You might want to google RuPaul

Oh My Wow....LOL! No Ru Paul!!!! hahahaha!

Quote: No, actually, they seem to be very lady like
Haha, totally expected at least ONE rooster out of the bunch I have, but nada! I will up load a bunch of pictures this weekend, for once, I don't think I have anything extra to do this weekend
Oh! That is so cool RainMom!!! You know, I had a teacher in high school, Eric Canton (yes, the same one from the Huskies
) and he was OBSESSED with the JFK conspiracy theories (may have fueled a little fire). We spent two months in school going over the facts of the event and all the the mysterious deaths of witnesses...very creepy. He loved that I still have a newspaper from that very day and day after. I would stay in after class was over and we would just talk about all the things that didn't add up (kind of like the Boston bombing) I should probably have it preserved in some way. It's not from a big publication, just the Tacoma News Tribune that my Grandfather gave to me a long time ago.
I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was employed by Montgomery Ward in the Glen Burnie (Md.) Mall and at the time of the shooting, I was taking my lunch in the cafe, watching the motorcade proceed through Dallas. I was eating a club sandwich at the time.
I heard what I thought was shots, look up at the small tv the company had set up in the cafe. This is what I remember. Drifting white smoke from near the "hill" and I saw the motorcycle cop that had the position on the right front fender of Kennedy's car lay his bike down, draw his weapon and start towards the hill. I even remember he was right handed.
They replayed that clip, cut it short and I've never seen it again.
But to believe there was a conspiracy you would have to believe that as many as 15 to 25 people had to be involved and kept their mouths shut all this time, no diary, no notes, no tapes.
I will have a ballcap on with a big T on it with a chicken at the bat. And of course I will be in disguise, beard and mustache, oh wait that's what I look like.
(see avatar lol)

I wonder if any will recognize the baseball team?
Oh! That is so cool RainMom!!! You know, I had a teacher in high school, Eric Canton (yes, the same one from the Huskies
) and he was OBSESSED with the JFK conspiracy theories (may have fueled a little fire). We spent two months in school going over the facts of the event and all the the mysterious deaths of witnesses...very creepy. He loved that I still have a newspaper from that very day and day after. I would stay in after class was over and we would just talk about all the things that didn't add up (kind of like the Boston bombing) I should probably have it preserved in some way. It's not from a big publication, just the Tacoma News Tribune that my Grandfather gave to me a long time ago.
I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was employed by Montgomery Ward in the Glen Burnie (Md.) Mall and at the time of the shooting, I was taking my lunch in the cafe, watching the motorcade proceed through Dallas. I was eating a club sandwich at the time.
I heard what I thought was shots, look up at the small tv the company had set up in the cafe. This is what I remember. Drifting white smoke from near the "hill" and I saw the motorcycle cop that had the position on the right front fender of Kennedy's car lay his bike down, draw his weapon and start towards the hill. I even remember he was right handed.
They replayed that clip, cut it short and I've never seen it again.
But to believe there was a conspiracy you would have to believe that as many as 15 to 25 people had to be involved and kept their mouths shut all this time, no diary, no notes, no tapes.
You should check out how the witnesses ended up dying, some from horrific "accidents", mostly "suicide"
You guys are SO HARD to catch up with in this thread!

I've been browsing through the coop section and I think I have landed on a favorite.

I really like the way chickenbouquet's coop looks. https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/our-coop-adventure

No clue where to start but it can't be THAT HARD can it??

I have a bunch of sections of picket fence that I am taking out that serve really no purpose at the moment and I think I could recycle them into a small chicken run like that!

VERY cute coop idea. Looks pretty simple, too, especially if you already have the fencing. Only things I'd do differently are add more ventilation at the top and line the run with 1/2 inch hardware cloth. It's expensive, but the big stuff those folks used can allow a raccoon to reach in and create a catastrophe.

To build ours, I sketched each side with specific measurements, then DH sketched the framing on top of my sketches. Since the coop you like has photos of the "skeleton," that should be doable. Also, they insulated the whole thing, which is nice, but in western WA our winters aren't that bad, so you could skip that step. One thing that I'd add to their idea is to put vinyl flooring down. Sounds weird, but it REALLY simplifies cleaning. We bought a cheap remnant at a flooring store, and attached it to the floor with liquid nails.

Have fun building!

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Thanks ya'll and hope everyone is doing great! Me, I am just packing and packing and also doin a bit of packing. Fun filled life here right now. But tomorrow is mwwaa Birfday! Regardless of what my kids and DH say, I AM NOT OOOOLLLLLDDDD!

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