Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

To all else, Hi!!!! *waving* hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday, this girls off to bed... Sorta, I got 'coon watch tonight. Grrr! Stupid coons were out wandering tonight & I just moved my
10 PC chicken nugget birds
out to the grow out pen, which I'm skeptical of it's security. :/

Speaking of, I will have coop pics up tomorrow! Woohoo! A tractor, coop, grow out pen, and a brooder! I even mowed my lawn today! Lol... I feel accomplished just a bit! Goodnight fellow chicken lovers!

Wow! Great job!!
Goat Update

As I thought might happen, the bigger doeling died. The little one is doing fine so far. I gave her some more milk/colostrum this morning even though I "think" she is nursing (if she isn't, she would have died too I think) just to be on the safe side. She is small but alert, and very vocal. I'll be in and out a lot today.

Feeling much more positive!
Goat Update

As I thought might happen, the bigger doeling died. The little one is doing fine so far. I gave her some more milk/colostrum this morning even though I "think" she is nursing (if she isn't, she would have died too I think) just to be on the safe side. She is small but alert, and very vocal. I'll be in and out a lot today.

Feeling much more positive!
I'm so sad the other 2 died, but this does sound really hopeful. Fingers crossed for you TC!
Goat Update

As I thought might happen, the bigger doeling died. The little one is doing fine so far. I gave her some more milk/colostrum this morning even though I "think" she is nursing (if she isn't, she would have died too I think) just to be on the safe side. She is small but alert, and very vocal. I'll be in and out a lot today.

Feeling much more positive!
Sorry that you lost another, but glad the little one is doing well. Alert and vocal definitely sounds like a good sign.
OMGosh!! In figuring how to configure the swingsets, I decided to consolidate them into one unit. Doing that, I am left with 2 A-frames, as the climber and the slide base will hold the new swing beam. The 2 A-frames are going to be used for my new bantam coop and run!!! I am SO excited. I think I will start looking at plans today. I am pretty sure I have enough salvaged lumber around here to build it for the cost of a couple hinges. Plus the wire. Yay for recycling!

Also, I was walking in my garden, looking at all the weeds I have to get out, so that I can plant. I had some stuff that never got harvested at the end of the season, which I never cleaned up. I looked down and saw a funny little green sprout. Well, upon closer inspection, it is a squash. I have several of them coming up. Not sure which kind, either zucchini or spaghetti squash. Either way, that is a few less seeds that I will need to get. I also have one that I pulled out when we started tilling that looks suspiciously like cucumber. I moved it to a pot to see if it grows. I have never had that happen before. I am now wondering what else might randomly sprout up out there.
Good morning everyone!

TC I am sorry for the loss of you two goats babies, but lots of hope for your surviving little one.

Wow it looks like I will have plenty of help from peepers here not only for my chickens as always, but when we get settled in our new place and are able to get goats again. This is such a great group of people.

So at this moment all my girls that need new homes are spoken for. If anyone changes their minds (and that is just fine) I will let everyone else know who needs a home.

On another note, I need help! I noticed yesterday that Big Red my top roo has a swollen foot. I managed to get my hands on him and look at it a bit. I only see one little area that could be somthing like bumble foot (I think that is what it's called) but the black spot is in the crease where is toe comes to the main part of his foot. I kind of have an idea of how to take care of it. But being my first time I would rather someone else do it and show me how so that I know it is done right. Anyone coming to get chickens from me know how to do this and or have the tools to do it with?
I have to go to the barn today, but when I get home I will catch him again
and get some pictures so ya'll can see it too. He is not limping at all, but it is pretty swollen. I feel bad for not noticing it sooner.

Everyone have a great day and enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather we are having and lets all will it to stay longer!
To everyone here!

The "Littles" ... Left to right: Penny, Latte, Blackie and Snow.
I like SNOW the best! Perfect name! :lol:
Snow is my shoulder buddy. DH thinks I'm crazy for calling her Snow. Oh well, he knows me best. ;) She was named Snow, because, as a baby chick, she was "fairest of them all". She had a very pretty face with bright white eyebrows. Edited... to fix the auto-correct from my iPhone. My writing skills have significantly degraded ever since I started using my iPhone. Sigh.
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I'm new to BYC and glad to have found this group.

I have 6 young Black Marans -- who all seem to be cockerels! (I have slim hope that 1 might be a hen).
-1 Golden Cuckoo Marans rooster
-1 Blue Splash Marans hen
-1 Wheaten Marans hen
-2 Silver Wyandote hens
-1 Gold sex link
-2 splash somethings
...and cashmere goats, black welsh mtn sheep, too many cats, and 4 dogs.

Advice needed! My chickens are free range and hate nest boxes. Do I have to confine them with the boxes or have you discovered alternatives


I feel for ya! I've hatched 12 chicks to date. 8 of them were cockerels. If you have a chicken house full of cockerels, you probably won't need nest boxes.
Quote: I got one from some guys who were living in Bothell that is built the same. Mine is a little bigger, but I took out the "nesting boxes" and going to build an external nesting box for it. Not much room in there. I have mine in my secure run and I did put hardware cloth over the openings in the ramp. I would look for something bigger if it were me. I wonder if this is the same person who built mine. Some things to check if you go with it......nails that are too long used to put the roofing on. They were sticking through the inside of the roof all over the place. I had to cut them all off! Not easy in that small of a space. :)

I feel for ya! I've hatched 12 chicks to date. 8 of them were cockerels. If you have a chicken house full of cockerels, you probably won't need nest boxes.
I'm pretending not to count my chickens we hatched March 1st....I know I've got a few future show-quality roos destined for FREEZER CAMP. On the plus side, whichever one decides to be the friendliest one will be our new king of the coop. The black EE rooster's time is up!

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