Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I almost broke my neck on a trampoline when I was younger. I stupidly tried to do a back flip and landed on my head. I was unable to move for several minutes and struggled to breathe. Still to this day not really sure why my parent's didn't take me to the hospital but I started coming back around and ended up being perfectly fine. Now that I'm older I realize how serious of a situation that could have been and my life could have turned out so differently. I don't think I will ever get my kids a trampoline.

Then there were numerous other times I've gotten hurt on them. I sprained my ankle once falling off. My brother and I would collide with each other all the time on it if we jumped together. My brother landed just right and slipped his legs between the springs and that didn't end well for his bits.

So sorry! I know they can be dangerous. That's why it has taken 7 years to *almost* convince my husband to get one for the kids.
Babies can shed intestinal lining too, I've had it happen and didn't treat for cocci. Never treat without a diagnosis, they shouldn't be medicated with anything unless there's something wrong. I would keep a close eye on the, for a day or so, if there's no more symptoms for worry, they're fine

Thanks Jess, I appreciate that. This being my first chicks, plus having so much trouble with my BSL (my favorite hen), I've been a little jumpy this week. I know many/most people use medicated feed but mine had it for only the first couple of weeks, so I had that in the back of my mind, too.

BTW... super cute little coop, and very creative watering device. But how does the hen up on top get to the water if it's hanging in the run for the ones below?
Quote: It may grow but not very well unless in a green/hot house. Also the corn drops protein levels and will cause egg production to fall. Don't believe it feed a bunch and keep track of egg production for the next say 3 weeks compared to before the corn. And even canned corn will do that. See we had been given a bunch of canned corn. DW decided she was going to give the chickens a treat. Like about a gallon of canned corn, we nearly lost all egg production for weeks.
Well I have not started on my work around the house for today and I really need to get on that stuff.

I am very jellouse of ya'll that are planting crops and gardens. We planned on doing that this year, but that was before when we thought we were not selling this house. There is no way that we will be able to move, unpack and get something set up in time for growing our stuff this year either. Big Boo! I can't wait till the day comes, and my kids say "Hey, we are hungry. Can we have a snack." and I can say, "Yeah, go out and grab something from the garden to munch on!" That will be great.

How old are your White Leghorns that you think are boys? I know I am getting rid of most of my flock, but I NEED a W Lhorn roo. If you are willing to, I would trade you one of my hens for your roo. PM me and we'll see what we can come up with.

Ok, getting off my butt now to get my stuff done. I think..... Yes, yes I am I have to.

Later Ya'll!
Today and yesterday morning I found one piece of poop in the babies coop that had some red. Just my two 9 week old pullets in there.

If they were adults I'd say they're just shedding some of the lining from --- is it their intestines(?).

They are getting unmedicated chick starter and show no signs of illness. They are eating and drinking well, very energetic, eyes and nose look fine, no wounds.

Should I automatically assume this is cocci and treat with Corid, or should I wait and see if something develops?
You didn't mention if they have access to outside. I would watch for any more and then if more. YES I would treat for cocci!
Well I have not started on my work around the house for today and I really need to get on that stuff.

I am very jellouse of ya'll that are planting crops and gardens. We planned on doing that this year, but that was before when we thought we were not selling this house. There is no way that we will be able to move, unpack and get something set up in time for growing our stuff this year either. Big Boo! I can't wait till the day comes, and my kids say "Hey, we are hungry. Can we have a snack." and I can say, "Yeah, go out and grab something from the garden to munch on!" That will be great.

How old are your White Leghorns that you think are boys? I know I am getting rid of most of my flock, but I NEED a W Lhorn roo. If you are willing to, I would trade you one of my hens for your roo. PM me and we'll see what we can come up with.

Ok, getting off my butt now to get my stuff done. I think..... Yes, yes I am I have to.

Later Ya'll!
That is the BEST part of having a garden, I think. My 5yo raids the peas like nobody's business. I have to plant extra, just for his snacks. I learned that the hard way last year.

Messaging you now.
Well I have not started on my work around the house for today and I really need to get on that stuff.

I am very jellouse of ya'll that are planting crops and gardens. We planned on doing that this year, but that was before when we thought we were not selling this house. There is no way that we will be able to move, unpack and get something set up in time for growing our stuff this year either. Big Boo! I can't wait till the day comes, and my kids say "Hey, we are hungry. Can we have a snack." and I can say, "Yeah, go out and grab something from the garden to munch on!" That will be great.

How old are your White Leghorns that you think are boys? I know I am getting rid of most of my flock, but I NEED a W Lhorn roo. If you are willing to, I would trade you one of my hens for your roo. PM me and we'll see what we can come up with.

Ok, getting off my butt now to get my stuff done. I think..... Yes, yes I am I have to.

Later Ya'll!

Hi Lady! Thanks for dropping by to say hello. Don't work too hard!!

And... there's no excuse for not planting at least ONE or TWO tomato plants!!! Try Better Boy and Sweet Million, they are our favorites!
Babies can shed intestinal lining too, I've had it happen and didn't treat for cocci. Never treat without a diagnosis, they shouldn't be medicated with anything unless there's something wrong. I would keep a close eye on the, for a day or so, if there's no more symptoms for worry, they're fine :)

Thanks Jess, I appreciate that.  This being my first chicks, plus having so much trouble with my BSL (my favorite hen), I've been a little jumpy this week.  I know many/most people use medicated feed but mine had it for only the first couple of weeks, so I had that in the back of my mind, too.

BTW... super cute little coop, and very creative watering device.  But how does the hen up on top get to the water if it's hanging in the run for the ones below? 

The waterer and feed cup I showed a pic of are of Lucy's water and food in the top, they're hanging on her hardware cloth front. The babies below have a hanging feeder and a gallon traditional waterer for now :)
Just a reminder Tomorrow Saturday April 27th is the poultry swap at the Clackamas fairgrounds in Canby OR. Many of the peeps making this happen are also BYCers. If ya get a chance stop by and see what ya can't live without. There will be lots of enabling going on. 11:00-4:00

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