Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Thought I'd let everyone know after two days of labor my son and his wife have a wonderful baby boy. Nolan is six pounds two oz and is 19:ya inch long. She had a c section in the end. Everyone is happy and healthy.
Originally Posted by Zgoatlady

Thought I'd let everyone know after two days of labor my son and his wife have a wonderful baby boy. Nolan is six pounds two oz and is 19:ya inch long. She had a c section in the end. Everyone is happy and healthy.



I have been making a chicken run, its portable so I guess that makes it a chicken tractor, lol. I will post a pic later. I have some leftover shingles so I will add those to the roof. When its finished I will use it to let the new chicks outside during the day. Then maybe eventually just attach it to the current hen house. Usually I let our hens out in the yard, but I left them unsupervised for a little bit last week and they nicely spent some time in my strawberry garden....ooopsy, my bad. This was another reason for the new chicken run, haha.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I was only going to have a couple chickens. I have two laying eggs now and I seem to always be out of eggs! So I though I would get a few more chicks, lol. Now I have my two original hens, plus five new chicks. Chicken math got me!! lol[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hope everyone is having a marvelous day. Its pretty nice here. The sun is shining. Excellent day to work in the yard and do some gardening.[/FONT]

I have 2 baby turkeys in the brooder, so happy to finally have some hatch out after all the incubator traumas. 2 more are expected in about 2 days, and then (hopefully) they should just keep on coming! Going to try totalcolour's incubator too, with some other eggs (d'Uccles, probably) and see what shows up there. It's hard to see perfectly good eggs and hatching chicks not make it.

The broody Pilgrim goose is setting on 6 eggs, too.

My flock is growing!

Quote: Congratulations on the new baby!

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My husband and I have started to build our first coop. What we can't decide is if we should insulate the coop or not. My parents insulated theres many years ago and are now regretting it, as the rats have taken up residence in the insulation. Living here in the northwest we don't have particularly harsh winters, so I think the chickens will be alright.... What do you think? Should we add insulation?

Here are our plans:

Any feedback would be much appreciated!

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