Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

CL... Darn! I thought you'd found a way for us to get upgraded and more RAM! I could really use some more RAM myself!!!!

Glad you got those eggs locked down in time, whew. How many?

Hi! I'm a new member from Bothell, Wa. I recently posted an Ameraucana rooster for sale on Craigslist and have been receiving responses telling me he is a she. Now, I'm no expert, but comparing him to photos I have looked at online, he definitely looks like a he. He is just under 4 months old, he has not started crowing yet at all, but he has the thin feathers over his saddle area that make me think he is a rooster. He is absolutely gorgeous and I have fallen in love with him, so maybe someone on here can give me some good news and tell me that he is a she. Otherwise, I really need to find him a home soon before he does start to crow. He is free to a good home. I don't want him to be eaten. I will not ship him anywhere, but would gladly deliver him anywhere in Snohomish county. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

Hi! I'm a new member from Bothell, Wa. I recently posted an Ameraucana rooster for sale on Craigslist and have been receiving responses telling me he is a she. Now, I'm no expert, but comparing him to photos I have looked at online, he definitely looks like a he. He is just under 4 months old, he has not started crowing yet at all, but he has the thin feathers over his saddle area that make me think he is a rooster. He is absolutely gorgeous and I have fallen in love with him, so maybe someone on here can give me some good news and tell me that he is a she. Otherwise, I really need to find him a home soon before he does start to crow. He is free to a good home. I don't want him to be eaten. I will not ship him anywhere, but would gladly deliver him anywhere in Snohomish county. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
HE is really gorgeous, and I'm sorry it's not a she. Hackle and saddle feathers are as you correctly stated, long and skinny, boy stuff. He will start crowing soon.
Well, I moved seventeen hatching eggs and a bunch of surplus Rhododendron wood off the place this morning, and took a walk and checked the cattle and I'm ready for the day to be over. Nope, not going to happen, have to go out and do most of my chores now.

I am so very done with this weather, although the pasture is in good shape.
Made a discovery- some grass I pulled for the Wyandotte pen was full of rose petals (my yard is full of rose petals) and the hens went through and ate them first. Have to remember that for times when the rose petals are not too wet to pick up on purpose.

Hi! I'm a new member from Bothell, Wa. I recently posted an Ameraucana rooster for sale on Craigslist and have been receiving responses telling me he is a she. Now, I'm no expert, but comparing him to photos I have looked at online, he definitely looks like a he. He is just under 4 months old, he has not started crowing yet at all, but he has the thin feathers over his saddle area that make me think he is a rooster. He is absolutely gorgeous and I have fallen in love with him, so maybe someone on here can give me some good news and tell me that he is a she. Otherwise, I really need to find him a home soon before he does start to crow. He is free to a good home. I don't want him to be eaten. I will not ship him anywhere, but would gladly deliver him anywhere in Snohomish county. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

What a pretty boy!
Looking at his colors I think you have an Easter Egger rather than an Ameraucana. There is so much confusion about these two, many people never realize there is even a difference. But to put is simply, an Easter Egger is the result of crossing an Ameraucana with any other breed. Like crossing a pure Lab with something similar. The pup may look very much like a Lab, but it's a cross. Coloration is one of the fastest way to identify a cross, i.e. an Easter Egger. The 8 "accepted" colors for Ameraucanas are: Black, White, Blue, Buff, Wheaten, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, and Silver. For a hen, the egg color also provides a clue. Ameraucanas lay blue eggs. If it's green, pink, etc. it's because it's a cross breed, thus an EE.
Most chicks sold at feed stores are actually EEs, regardless of what the label on the pen says.

I'd like to suggest that when you advertise this gorgeous boy, that you call him an Easter Egger and help the world recognize and understand the difference. EEs are beautiful birds and deserve being called by their correct name.

You can learn more and see photos at the Ameraucana Breeders Club http://www.ameraucana.org
Well, I'm all the way to the one-boot-on stage of readiness which given how very much I did not even want to get out of bed today is no mean feat.

Or something. The delayed boot goes over an ankle brace, and while I feel SO VERY MUCH BETTER at the end of the days when I wear that piece of equipment, it does make getting into and out of shoes and boots a lot more work.

Other than that, not much is happening. Himself and I are at the point where we know Ruby cannot go on much longer; she falls down at random times, one of which had her falling into my worse knee and another jangling his balance badly enough to put him in bed for an hour or until his Big Pill kicked in. I'm feeling really guilty; she's been a thorn in my side for most of her life, and the primary reason the worse knee has gotten, uh, worse, over the years- she has never understood the size hole she needs to actually go through without bending things, and when I have been the primary opener of gates and doors that means I've been what gets bent. She was good for keeping rabbits down and coyotes out of the yard, but those jobs have been beyond her for at least four years (when she turned 11; her Chesepeake Bay Retriever dam died of old age at ten). She's loosing weight rapidly but neither Franklin nor I can lift her- she's "down" to about 75 pounds, after a top weight of something like 110.

My dislike of her (and the resulting doubt about my motivations) and also worry for what her death will do to Griz, who is about 15 months older than she is but in substantially better health and just a much better dog all around, have delayed this decission to a point where there's some sort of canine-induced Stockholm Syndrome going on: other people seem to think that she should have been put out of this mutual misery last winter.

Bother. Why does life have to be so complicated?
Sorry to here Ruby isn't doin so good.

Hi! I'm a new member from Bothell, Wa. I recently posted an Ameraucana rooster for sale on Craigslist and have been receiving responses telling me he is a she. Now, I'm no expert, but comparing him to photos I have looked at online, he definitely looks like a he. He is just under 4 months old, he has not started crowing yet at all, but he has the thin feathers over his saddle area that make me think he is a rooster. He is absolutely gorgeous and I have fallen in love with him, so maybe someone on here can give me some good news and tell me that he is a she. Otherwise, I really need to find him a home soon before he does start to crow. He is free to a good home. I don't want him to be eaten. I will not ship him anywhere, but would gladly deliver him anywhere in Snohomish county. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
First WELCOME!!! He's a cool bird, very pretty!

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