Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Holy cow! Miss a day and have to read pages.

and to the Washington thread to all the new people.

Welcome back Illia.
So, anyway, I'm going to indulge in what we call "Pattiitus" at another board where I post (because one of our mods was prone to read a whole day's posts and respond in seriel single posts) and perhaps note that I find the multi-quote posts terribly hard to parse (always, but especially when I'm in pain) so if I miss a question of comment aimed at me, you may need to point me to it.

Feeling particularly beat up this morning; my multiply-dislocated-left-shoulder was barking at me in the night so I rolled over and slept on the gate-bruises on my right hip and ribcage and have just taken a half-vicodin in hopes of controlling the pain sufficiently to get dressed and started on my day.

I cannot in any way recommend falling on a steel gate, just in case you thought I might have changed my mind.

I hate those LOOONG multi post responses too so I usually just skip them. I think the poeple who do it are using phones and it's hard to edit.

I'm so sorry you are hurting. I'm still having some pain from the shoulder surgery, so I know how you are feeling. I can't imagine you changing your mind about falling on a steel panel. If you did I would think you had gone totally doolally!

The thing is, I can't just take it easy until I stop hurting- not this week, anyway. The best I can do is come in and sit down and drink more water and then go out and take another run at things until I'm too hot/hurt too much/am too thirsty to think.

I think I get a gold star for remembering to take the duck out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator yesterday, though.
The thing is, I can't just take it easy until I stop hurting- not this week, anyway. The best I can do is come in and sit down and drink more water and then go out and take another run at things until I'm too hot/hurt too much/am too thirsty to think.

I think I get a gold star for remembering to take the duck out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator yesterday, though.
I know how you feel. I have a bad back and have been going to pain management for several years. I can't stop either when I have to get things done. My PCM on base tells me I need to slow down but I can't. had several doctors tell me to take it easy.. I won't and can't. I've hurt myself bad that my husband has had to take me to the base ER several times. I normaly end up waiting to go until it's like bad to the point I can't walk very well. I hope you get some relief soon.
I won't be showing at the PNPA but will be going to check out birds and talk with friends. I may bring a cockerel to show at the Winter Brisk in Chehalis.

I am trying to find a SQ Silkie to be able to show. I just don't have any luck.
I will be showing my Marge Best cockerel at Chehalis, possibly. I will PM you with some other details.
I am hoping that everything today goes perfectly well for the UPS people; I've got two run kits coming from Amazon (the same ones can be ordered from HD but they cost $30 more and there was a longer shipping time) and I need to get those chickens out of the hall bathroom!

What run kits? Like dog runs?


It doesn't come with a coop, but I've got sufficient stuff hanging around to build a quick lean-to.

I'm going to be hard-pressed to do it without help, but it's not like I've got any choice. DH helped as much as he could the last few days and is now pretty wrecked. My sister and her family are haying and getting ready for the fair next week. I'm all there is.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a rotten, rotten product. DO NOT BUY.

I am too tired to tell you all the ways in which it is totally horrible right now.

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