Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

At least I know who to avoid by dealing with them directly but the issue I have with this woman in Auburn selling me a laying hen and then putting her on a nest so she stopped laying and not allowing me to take possession of my own property is so dishonest that I never expected that to happen. The hen I took home is stressed out without her companion so she is not laying but she should start up again. I don't know how long it will take for my other hen to start laying after she has been used to hatch chicks for this woman but the fact that she is so unethical in the business transactions I have had with her has taught me that I don't want anything to do with her in the future.
If you found this lady through CL, I would put up a post laying out your experience with her. It's simply not ethical to do what she has done.
Thanks for the welcomes. I am currently raising a mixed flock - no favorites. Previously had Rhode Island Reds which I liked. My current flock consists of two Wellsummer, three Buff Orpington, one Russian Orloff (had two but one ended up being a rooster and I gave him away), one Brahmin, two Gold Wyandotte, one Polish Crested, and one little banty. My rooster is one of the Wellsummers, very handsome fellah. They are about 4 1/2 months old and just starting to lay, I'm getting 3 eggs/day regularly so I'm assuming it is the Orpingtons who have started earlier than the rest. I let my granddaughter do the choosing on Chick Day, and was rather thinking I would end up with about 8 due to attrition, but they all have survived so I have 10 hens and 1 rooster. Way more eggs than my husband and I will need, so we'll be into give away / selling quite soon. Neighbors and co-workers, look out!

Tess, sorry to hear of your neighbor dog problem. If your relationship is not totally in the tank, perhaps you can invite the neighbor to a civilized 'how can we solve this problem' discussion. I would think a hunter would not like an animal-killing dog - isn't that kind of counter-intuitive to retrieving?

I look forward to getting to know the PNW chicken folk. I noted earlier that you meet up occasionally at 3rd Place Books - which one? I used to meet up with a work-related group at the Lake Forest Park bookstore, and always enjoyed browsing after our meetings.
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Thanks for the welcomes. I am currently raising a mixed flock - no favorites. Previously had Rhode Island Reds which I liked. My current flock consists of two Wellsummer, three Buff Orpington, one Russian Orloff (had two but one ended up being a rooster and I gave him away), one Brahmin, two Gold Wyandotte, one Polish Crested, and one little banty. My rooster is one of the Wellsummers, very handsome fellah. They are about 4 1/2 months old and just starting to lay, I'm getting 3 eggs/day regularly so I'm assuming it is the Orpingtons who have started earlier than the rest. I let my granddaughter do the choosing on Chick Day, and was rather thinking I would end up with about 8 due to attrition, but they all have survived so I have 10 hens and 1 rooster. Way more eggs than my husband and I will need, so we'll be into give away / selling quite soon. Neighbors and co-workers, look out!

Tess, sorry to hear of your neighbor dog problem. If your relationship is not totally in the tank, perhaps you can invite the neighbor to a civilized 'how can we solve this problem' discussion. I would think a hunter would not like an animal-killing dog - isn't that kind of counter-intuitive to retrieving?

I look forward to getting to know the PNW chicken folk. I noted earlier that you meet up occasionally at 3rd Place Books - which one? I used to meet up with a work-related group at the Lake Forest Park bookstore, and always enjoyed browsing after our meetings.
Lake Forest Park is where we meet.
Boy I hope the hired hand shows up soon; I filled two absolutely empty feeders and cut some suckers for the sheep, and it pretty much used up what I've got in the way of oomph.

I have- possibly as a result of the fall- an abcess on an otherwise healthy tooth, and am running a pretty respectable fever. The right side of my face is swollen to heck, because the infection has spread.

(ring, ring telephone) Oh good they'll be here within ficteen minutes, I can handle that.

This is a July problem; the swelling started yesterday. I'm hoping it will be an Augus solution. I'm taking antibiotics and will see the root canal guy on Monday.

Ouch, just to make the situation clear. Ouch, also owww.
Boy I hope the hired hand shows up soon; I filled two absolutely empty feeders and cut some suckers for the sheep, and it pretty much used up what I've got in the way of oomph.

I have- possibly as a result of the fall- an abcess on an otherwise healthy tooth, and am running a pretty respectable fever. The right side of my face is swollen to heck, because the infection has spread.

(ring, ring telephone) Oh good they'll be here within ficteen minutes, I can handle that.

This is a July problem; the swelling started yesterday. I'm hoping it will be an Augus solution. I'm taking antibiotics and will see the root canal guy on Monday.

Ouch, just to make the situation clear. Ouch, also owww.

Dang! Ouch. Last tooth I had get infected I couldn't hardly see from the pain. I hope it doesn't get any worse for you.
Is there going to be a poultry swap in Washington anytime soon?

Yup, was last Saturday.
Boy I hope the hired hand shows up soon; I filled two absolutely empty feeders and cut some suckers for the sheep, and it pretty much used up what I've got in the way of oomph.

I have- possibly as a result of the fall- an abcess on an otherwise healthy tooth, and am running a pretty respectable fever. The right side of my face is swollen to heck, because the infection has spread.

(ring, ring telephone) Oh good they'll be here within ficteen minutes, I can handle that.

This is a July problem; the swelling started yesterday. I'm hoping it will be an Augus solution. I'm taking antibiotics and will see the root canal guy on Monday.

Ouch, just to make the situation clear. Ouch, also owww.

Dang! Ouch. Last tooth I had get infected I couldn't hardly see from the pain. I hope it doesn't get any worse for you. 

The antibiotics are working already, praise science.
I really need some help guys. I have no idea what to do. I have lost nearly all my hatchlings from some kind of illness. I have lost 10 this past week. This is the second time I have incubated my polish frizzle and have had them died. The first hatching they were doing good until I bough some chicks from a lady in hoodsport. All but the older ones I gotten from her that were already outside had died. Then I lost nearly all my first hatch except for about three. I had more eggs from another friend in my bator. I was told it was cocci and that her chicks prob had something or it and infected them all. After the second hatch we had bought a brand new plastic brooder and put them in. My husband took the old wooden one out and bleached everything. Their new brooder, food dishes and everything. Vacumed the carpet and we shampooed it with our Kirby. By all means we should have killed whatever. We keep the babies in our house int he spare room. We also put corid into their water to treat for cocci. The first group did have some blood in their stool so that's what we thought this was. They would get lethargic, slow down, eyes closed and then would just die.
My second group I wanted to prevent this. Only my babies are dying. My older ones outside are fine. I have a few chickens that are laying but I am only getting one to two eggs a day. One I normaly don't keep cause the shell is brittle. I have also been adding shell into their feed to help that. I know a sign in older birds is a drop in eggs, but it has been very hot so I am at a loss. This is our first year with chickens and I am so close to just wanting to give up and not do this anymore. It's sucking our money away and everyone I have talked to is flabbergasted at what this could be. I am already tied to picking up some chickens next week, but at last they are older. Some will not be going into the main herd, but to a separate coop I have built. Anyway, now with this second group its happening again. I have only a couple babies left. I am crying and don't know what to do. I know they are only chickens but I am really regretting doing this. Its the same symptoms with this one. Just I see a little runny poo, they get lethargic, lay down and die. and they would be healthy and running around earlier. Eating and drinking. It's not worms, or anything that I was told by other friends. No other animal gets into the room. We turned the heat lamp off thinking it was being too hot in there. Its a saunas is during the day. I wasn't loosing chicks until after I got those ones from the lady in hoodsport. The eggs I get from my friend, her birds are all healthy and she hasn't lost any like I am. We have the chicks on chick starter. Medicated feed now. The first were not on it s we were told to try medicated starter. I also put a little chick grit in their feed. We stopped treating with corid sense its not helping. Have apple cider vin in their water as well. I have eggs again in my bator that I just put in and a friend hatching me some more. I don't want to cull all the birds we have just in case its whatever. We can't afford that.
It has been a while since this post, but I am just getting caught up. Are your chicks recovering or are you still having the problems?

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