Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

It may be @ 8:30 A.M. on Saturday...and then we'd have to rush off after an hour or so...you know, one of those round-the-sound driveways where we have 5 minutes to visit with 30 people ?

Wish we had longer to visit with, or even less drive-in-between-visits !
I will know exact times soon, & will let you know !
Sounds good.
I'll keep my Saturday morning open.
I'm sure I'm on that list of 30 Right ???
. I've been having trouble all summer with my four EE's wanting to go broody. they have been in and out of chicken jail all summer. hey Robin do ya have my bedroom all fixed up in your new house yet?? I'm retiring on Sept. 13th (Friday) want to come down and visit you and CR. Maybe I could stop by and pick up MikeyB on the way down.
RonB - It's a Sunday night and I have a tough week ahead of me.
I think I am feeling a bit envious of your upcoming retirement.
Good to see you online.
Gonna have to make it in person pretty soon.
Hey RobB, congrats on our pending retirement. Heck yeah, I'm up for that.
I've been gone a few days and just got back.
BTW, I've tried to call you and left a message. Right after you called, but I missed the message you left for a day or so. I hate phone tag!
What is so crazy is the guy next to us shoots his gun several times a week "training" his hunting dogs. Somebody up and over the hill must be super rich because sometimes he'll shoot off an - automatic? - at 40 rounds a clip I swear. I don't know much about guns but we got all kinds of them going off around here. Then there are the cannons on the 4th of July and New Years that rattle your whole house. Then when you want to something legit - they worry about their animals? Like I said,
For what it is worth, folks mostly confuse the heck out of me... I have stopped trying to figure out neighbors.

Doesn't seem to be any logic at play if someone is living close by.
I got my very first egg today! But...... it was soft. :(. Its strange cuz yesterday I was thinking that I should buy some oyster shell. So I did. Now I don't I think that they've had enough time to get used to the oyster shell so I wonder if I should get layer crumble. so I know that they're getting enough calcium
Hey RobB, congrats on our pending retirement. Heck yeah, I'm up for that.
I've been gone a few days and just got back.
BTW, I've tried to call you and left a message. Right after you called, but I missed the message you left for a day or so. I hate phone tag!
Mikeyb.......... PM coming your way
I've been reading- but I'm mostly dragging around too tired to say anything; I'm still fighting the dental infection, and just getting regular work done is about all I can do. I just had three chickens loose in the yard; Griz managed to wiggle the elder Hamburg's plywood gate open just wide enough for Terre to get out (he doesn't chase the Hamburgs, he just likes to watch them wander around in the yard; I suspect he's the one who let Tegan and Sara out last week). Then I stupidly spooked the two bigger bantam chicks out of their pen when I was trying to water them. So I spent a half hour sort of fixing that mess (the chicks are in the wire dog kennel, and I'll have to move them tonight, ugh) and I am 100% not started on anything.

Oh, no, wait, not quite. Baaachus has gotten a scoop of alfalfa pellets and his first round of pruning treats, I cooked rice for the chickens, and I've got a load of laundry in.

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Hear you Stumpfarmer. Spend all weekend trying to sort out what to do with my sick chicken, then while I was on the phone with the lab in Puyallup, she died. So had to wash her in soapy water and put her in a gallon bag in the refridgerator. Going to take her all the way to Puy. tomorrow afternoon (oh, joy) for a necropsy. 4th lost this summer, so not sure if it's bad luck or something, well, bad. So going to find out. Mentally preparing myself for the worst and hoping it's 'just' mareks or 'just' viral bronchitis... either of which would be better than something I'd have to slaughter 'em all for so I can start 'clean' for my HRIR in Fall (lordy, that's comin' fast). Those of you that pray, may I ask for a blessing? Thank you.

Thanks Deborah for the blood sample supplies ( I know you read here sometimes) - seriously have no idea what I'd have done otherwise.

The lab tech said "oh, you should be able to pick up a few syringes and red vacuum tubes at your vet." Ha! Have they told the vets around here??? Bunch of unhelpful unuseful pains in the arse-keisters! Like it's a weird thing in a farming community to need to take a blood sample? I can get horse sized stuff at the feed store for Pete's sake. Oh, and the local feed store.... don't even get me started. What on earth do people do around here? Ignore it and hope it goes away I guess! Or spend 300$ on a chicken that dies anyway at the vet office, where there's an avian specialist (read, macaw, that sort of thing) on staff once a week and didn't return my calls last week... pheh.

Sorry. Needed to vent.

Went' to the fair. Scrupulously avoided the chickens. Wore clean clothes and freshly washed shoes, just in case... wouldn't have gone at all but had promised the kids the pony ride etc. The crazy things we do. Was fun, other than madly wondering what I was missing in the poultry barn!
I spent the past week at choir camp with my daughter as a chaparone while my husband got to deal with hatching chicks and ducklings. He had some fatalities but at least he kept almost everything alive while I was gone. Now I need to find more eggs to set. I have two hens that hatched chicks but instead of being mamas to the chicks that hatched they are still trying to sit. My husband had to put the chicks in the brooder so now it is too late to get them under the hens.

I got a call saying I can pick up my Frizzle hen now. The other hen is running with the Orpingtons and Barnevelders so hopefully they remember each other when I bring home her companion. This woman said she would give me some eggs when I get my hen but I don't know if they are the eggs she still owes me or if she is trying to compensate me for the eggs I lost while she was using my hen.
I got a call saying I can pick up my Frizzle hen now. The other hen is running with the Orpingtons and Barnevelders so hopefully they remember each other when I bring home her companion. This woman said she would give me some eggs when I get my hen but I don't know if they are the eggs she still owes me or if she is trying to compensate me for the eggs I lost while she was using my hen.
Glad she's actually going to give you *your* hen finally, but please don't forget to quarantine her! 30ft for 30days, different shoes, the whole thing. Esp. considering how not honest this person seems to be! Don't risk your flock for a 'frizzle friend'!
<end soapbox>
Will let everyone know what the test/necropsy reveal as soon as I know. Have another chicken starting the sniffles this morning - AGH!

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