Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

How's everyone liking the rain?
It's not rain, it's liquid sunshine.
I let the pond pasture chickens out...all 25 plus came charging out as it was 10ish when I let them out. Normally it is 8 in the morn. It was dumping and windy and they all burst out. Pretty much all did an about face and ran back into the kennel except for the rooster. Elvis wandered out, grubbed around, called his hens. Two ran to him, got halfway, got hit by a deluge and ran back in. Elvis, being the big manly rooster, called his hen again and not one went out.

He gave up and joined his girls. None have gone out since. it's really windy and we got over 4 inches of water so far. It's windy and very cold and not one animal wants out from the shelters.

It's hasn't been this bad in a long time.

Husband has a gig tonight at Slider's Café in Carnation at 7:30 and I am so excited about going out in the rain! NOT
Being that this thread moves so fast I came here in hopes of a quick response. Two of my hens were standing at the water pan and one was pecking the feathers off the chest of the other. The one being pecked did not move away went out to see what is going on and she is drinking a lot of water and seems to be bloated I also noticed some yellow scales on one of her legs/same foot. She will not leave the water pan....checked the coop and their was an egg mess as if a shell less egg was laid....earlier she was on the nest but did not lay....could she be bound? I will not be able to get hold of her to check her belly till they go in for the night. Thoughts please.

With just the information above, I'd guess mites or bugs of some kind. If she has them around her belly, the other chicken may be picking them off her.

I'd check around her vent area and see what you can see. For either mites or an egg bound chicken - a warm bath is a good start.
So, since were were down south too, and now up here, why is it we have never met NEIGHBOUR?

We talked about it a bit when you had your surgery but then I got lost with kid and house stuff. You're close so there's no excuses, except my seriously bad procrastination habit!
It's not rain, it's liquid sunshine.
When it comes down in buckets it's just stinkin WET!

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