Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

You might consider making that could function as a bomb shelter.
ha! maybe! there are some wierd people here! on the fourth of july there were people across the street having roman candle wars!
Hi all! It's been ages since I last was on here. I finally admitted I'd never be able to recall my password, so I set up a new one so I could join the conversation again. Tomorrow I need to figure out how I am going to se up water inside the coop for my hens - no drippy messes and no poopy water!

My coop stays pretty warm inside, even during nasty freezes.
Hi all! It's been ages since I last was on here. I finally admitted I'd never be able to recall my password, so I set up a new one so I could join the conversation again. Tomorrow I need to figure out how I am going to se up water inside the coop for my hens - no drippy messes and no poopy water!

My coop stays pretty warm inside, even during nasty freezes.

Welcome back!

I gave in and bought a heated dog water bowl for inside the main coop. I'll have to haul water for silkies several times a day though. They are to far for a cord.
I found that it gets too cold here for the heated water bowls, at least if I leave them out in the yard. If I put them in the covered runs, the do much better. Even the unheated bowls will usually only have a thin layer of ice in the runs, but be frozen solid outside. I want something inside the coop though. When the days stay dark for so long, my chickens hardly even wander into the run, much less the yard unless they are all planning on hanging out on my door Matt against the back door to my house and pooping it full. They are good at that
Hey its been a long time !!!! I have a couple electric water bowls, That I use once in awhile. But when it gets really cold I use two three gallon electric water containers. they aren't the easiest to use. they have a rubber plug on the bottom where you fill them. I have a lot of covered area in my run so they aren't right out in the open.. I don't put water inside the coop anymore. Doesn't matter what kind of container I use, my chickens always seem to spill it all over., My chickens don't spend much time in the coop. They can get under the barn and I do have a covered area coming off the side of the barn.
Yesterday it was very windy here all day long, and the skies stayed dark (and now it is snowing, but it melts soon after hitting the ground). The wind made an odd, loud humming sound as it blew through the runs. I have never hear it do that before! Usually I have big clear tarps strung up by now on the side that gets hit with the most wind. I take them down in the spring. I never saw any chickens in any of the runs yesterday - they just stayed perched like it was one really long night. They all did fill up on the food that hangs in the coop, as they all had stuffed crops, but the food hanging in the runs remained untouched. Right now all the old hens are sitting on the covered porch of the coop while the young hens that have never seen snow before are running around trying to eat the snow on the ground, hoping some of it turns out to be scratch! The pullets don't have access to free range; wonder when they will learn about snow?
My Cream Legbar are the only brave chickens. They have been running around in their pen. The old layer flock and my Breda Fowl are hiding in their houses waiting for Winter to go away. Can't blame them.

I bought a 4th heated water fount today. Finished stocking the barn with bedding pellets. Stocked up on animal feed yesterday. And counted 6 heat lamps. Just set the faucet in the barn to a slow drip and hope, hope, hope that I don't have to lug gallons of hot water around for the next 2 weeks or more till this Frasier Valley cold front wears itself out.

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