Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I'm so sorry to hear that. I lost my daughter on 17th Dec 16 years ago, then a week later, on Christmas eve mother died. It's still hard. I hope you can help your friends, holidays will always be hard for them. From one who went through it, one of the best things to do for them, is talk about it. Talk about her son, (did you know him well?) She will want to talk, even if it's hard for you to know what to say. My sympathies to you all.

Thank you, I'm sorry you lost them.
I don't know her son very well, so can't really talk bout him but have learned about him through all our friends.
I had a uncle in Calif that I guess had beautiful poppys years ago. Well one day a lot of police came to his house and pulled everyone of them up. You guessed it they were the drug one. He wasn't allowed to how them any more.
Mom, Grandma, and many people in both Hermiston and Umatilla raised big beautiful ruffled purple poppies when I was a kid. They had tons of petals. Mom quit doing flowers mostly after her back injury, but I don't know why people quit raising them. We used to enter them in the county fair, and there were tons of entries. I haven't actually seen one in years now.
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I had a uncle in Calif that I guess had beautiful poppys years ago. Well one day a lot of police came to his house and pulled everyone of them up. You guessed it they were the drug one. He wasn't allowed to how them any more.
My hairdresser grows them in her front yard, and every fall people steal the pods. If I were to grow poppies, I'd grow them well away from the road.
@Chickielady, So how's it going with the egg thing? Or should I say lack of!
Actually...I have eaten hard boiled eggs and solidly-friend eggs and have no issue.
I am not going to try a over-easy egg...I am pretty sure that is my issue as proteins change when throughly cooked.
Mayo, if not pastuerized, can bother me.
Especially if it is made with soybean oil.
But eggs cooked through, such a deviled eggs or eggs used in breads & cakes, don't bother me at all!
I love it, you have s much.
We have had a lot of sadness in our area. On Dec 6 a friend lost her son so have been trying to help any way we could.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is so sad !!!!!!!!!!!!!
My ex's wife is suddenly looking at serious health issues, and then had a stroke too.....she is a heavy smoker.
It is really sad though.
I wish people would stop smoking...it really is easier than you think.
Want to know how ?
You just STOP.
Don't taper down...just STOP.
Get mad at yourself, get tough with yourself and refuse to buy more.!

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