Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I wanted to share some info to warn anyone that may be interested in purchasing chickens from a local seller. There's an ad on Seattle CL for "BBS English Orpingtons" in Covington. I sent my sister to pick up a new rooster for me yesterday because I was stuck at the oncologist. From what I was told by both sides she didn't really handle the rooster herself, the seller sent her daughter to get him and bring him to the car. I paid $20 for this guy.

First off, he was not what she had represented in the ad or her emails to me. I thought I was purchasing a "6mo old splash cockerel with beautiful clear white/gray plumage but was later told that she "sold the others and this was all she had left" but didn't bother telling me that. Hes was overloaded with Red Mites, lethargic and didn't try to fight me no matter where I touched or how I held him. He gorged himself on food after my sister fed him. hes severely underweight with a protruding breastbone that's rubbed raw. bald across his belly and missing most of the feathers on his chest as well and whats not missing is broken to stubs. Probably from trying to chew the mites away. His feet are the worst ive ever seen on any bird, It pained me to even see them because I know it must hurt.

When I emailed her about all of the issues with this birds, told her I was appalled and she should be ashamed for offering animals in such condition for sale let alone taking money for one. She wrote me back and insisted she had treated him with ivomec a week prior and shot him with penicillin for his feet, all of which was very apparently not true. She continued to tell me that his poor weight and feather condition was because he was the main rooster to 5 hens.

Anyone with any sense and knowledge of keeping chickens would know what nonsense all of the above is. Ive always used ivomec for my birds and any sign of bugs is gone by the following day in my experience, even in severe infestations. My previous rooster(recently lost to a very bold bobcat) managed 18 hens alone and was maybe even overweight, with only morning feedings and free range. My birds coop admittedly gets pretty muddy at times but I have never in my life seen a bird with such horrible bumble foot. It's disgusting.

I felt I HAD to share this because only God knows how many peoples flocks shes already put in harms way by selling these sick animals & I just don't want it to continue. I have filed a complaint with animal control regarding the situation.

These are the pics I took after I got home and saw the poor guy.

So exhausted he just buried his head in my arm to sleep.

I, too, bought BBS Orpington chicks in response to that very same ad. Thankfully I quarantined them before introducing them to my flock because they ended up being very sick and I had to cull them. They looked 'off' when I bought them but I was told 'it's just because they're young. Those bald/crusty spots will go away.' Thankfully the rest of my flock is healthy thanks to quarantining them. The conditions were deplorable. Someone came with me to pick them up and said we should report them (which I didn't. Should have though). Mud and feces everywhere, indoors and outside. Not a blade of grass in sight or a mud-free zone anywhere. It was so sad. My gut said don't buy them but I felt sorry for the birds so I did. Never again. Always trust your gut, lol!
the Del's in Yelm gets their chicks from Privett -- I had great luck with the Easter Eggers I got there -- the rooster got feisty, but then that seems to be common behavior for mature roosters -- all six hens were calm and happy to flock up, and usually clustered around me for awhile when they were free-ranging, but I'd never call them cuddly ... now that Deirdre is the lone survivor, she comes and talks to me, wants to follow either me or hubby any time we are nearby -- the only pecking I ever saw was hens telling Roofus that they were NOT in the mood ...

don't know if all the Del's get their chicks from Privett, but I know the one on Maui does as well ...

I would have preferred to get my chicks at Yelm Farm & Pet --- but I watched the chicks being removed from their shipping crates ... and watched for several days -- I just liked the looks of the chicks at Del's better -- and we have had zero health problems with them

our run gets muddy sometimes, when it does, I throw small fallen fir branches in there so chickens don't have to slog through mud if they don't want to; our one big fir tree throws a lot of those down any time we have windstorms ... and if it ever falls, it will fall AWAY from the house and coop ...
I wanted to share some info to warn anyone that may be interested in purchasing chickens from a local seller. There's an ad on Seattle CL for "BBS English Orpingtons" in Covington. I sent my sister to pick up a new rooster for me yesterday because I was stuck at the oncologist. From what I was told by both sides she didn't really handle the rooster herself, the seller sent her daughter to get him and bring him to the car. I paid $20 for this guy.

First off, he was not what she had represented in the ad or her emails to me. I thought I was purchasing a "6mo old splash cockerel with beautiful clear white/gray plumage but was later told that she "sold the others and this was all she had left" but didn't bother telling me that. Hes was overloaded with Red Mites, lethargic and didn't try to fight me no matter where I touched or how I held him. He gorged himself on food after my sister fed him. hes severely underweight with a protruding breastbone that's rubbed raw. bald across his belly and missing most of the feathers on his chest as well and whats not missing is broken to stubs. Probably from trying to chew the mites away. His feet are the worst ive ever seen on any bird, It pained me to even see them because I know it must hurt.

When I emailed her about all of the issues with this birds, told her I was appalled and she should be ashamed for offering animals in such condition for sale let alone taking money for one. She wrote me back and insisted she had treated him with ivomec a week prior and shot him with penicillin for his feet, all of which was very apparently not true. She continued to tell me that his poor weight and feather condition was because he was the main rooster to 5 hens.

Anyone with any sense and knowledge of keeping chickens would know what nonsense all of the above is. Ive always used ivomec for my birds and any sign of bugs is gone by the following day in my experience, even in severe infestations. My previous rooster(recently lost to a very bold bobcat) managed 18 hens alone and was maybe even overweight, with only morning feedings and free range. My birds coop admittedly gets pretty muddy at times but I have never in my life seen a bird with such horrible bumble foot. It's disgusting.

I felt I HAD to share this because only God knows how many peoples flocks shes already put in harms way by selling these sick animals & I just don't want it to continue. I have filed a complaint with animal control regarding the situation.

These are the pics I took after I got home and saw the poor guy.

So exhausted he just buried his head in my arm to sleep.

Such a sad thing! How could anyone treat an animal like that! Grrrr!
I have never seen feet in such bad shape. :mad:
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Do you have any pictures? Do you sell hatching eggs also?Do you have blue and black copper marans?So many questions but I can't help myself. I so want some dark egg layers. I've gone off the deep end! o.k. last question how far away are you from Yakima?

Yes I have some Blue Copper Marans chicks for sale now. I have some eggs in the incubator. I will look to see if I have any Blue Marans left....I had a guy come and buy over 40 of my Marans chicks in one deal.....I also have BCM fertile eggs for sale as well
Which Dels did you get your chicks from Sweetlilbaby? I got two Ameraucanas from Coastal in Auburn. They are doing well but they are the least friendly of the bunch. Now one of them is fighting all day long with the little Barred Rock pullet. They are barely 3 weeks old! I hope they figure out the pecking order and quit fighting before they're all grown up.
I got them from chehalis dels farm supply. Could both your chicks actually be roosters?
I wanted to share some info to warn anyone that may be interested in purchasing chickens from a local seller. There's an ad on Seattle CL for "BBS English Orpingtons" in Covington. I sent my sister to pick up a new rooster for me yesterday because I was stuck at the oncologist. From what I was told by both sides she didn't really handle the rooster herself, the seller sent her daughter to get him and bring him to the car. I paid $20 for this guy.

First off, he was not what she had represented in the ad or her emails to me. I thought I was purchasing a "6mo old splash cockerel with beautiful clear white/gray plumage but was later told that she "sold the others and this was all she had left" but didn't bother telling me that. Hes was overloaded with Red Mites, lethargic and didn't try to fight me no matter where I touched or how I held him. He gorged himself on food after my sister fed him. hes severely underweight with a protruding breastbone that's rubbed raw. bald across his belly and missing most of the feathers on his chest as well and whats not missing is broken to stubs. Probably from trying to chew the mites away. His feet are the worst ive ever seen on any bird, It pained me to even see them because I know it must hurt.

When I emailed her about all of the issues with this birds, told her I was appalled and she should be ashamed for offering animals in such condition for sale let alone taking money for one. She wrote me back and insisted she had treated him with ivomec a week prior and shot him with penicillin for his feet, all of which was very apparently not true. She continued to tell me that his poor weight and feather condition was because he was the main rooster to 5 hens.

Anyone with any sense and knowledge of keeping chickens would know what nonsense all of the above is. Ive always used ivomec for my birds and any sign of bugs is gone by the following day in my experience, even in severe infestations. My previous rooster(recently lost to a very bold bobcat) managed 18 hens alone and was maybe even overweight, with only morning feedings and free range. My birds coop admittedly gets pretty muddy at times but I have never in my life seen a bird with such horrible bumble foot. It's disgusting.

I felt I HAD to share this because only God knows how many peoples flocks shes already put in harms way by selling these sick animals & I just don't want it to continue. I have filed a complaint with animal control regarding the situation.

These are the pics I took after I got home and saw the poor guy.

So exhausted he just buried his head in my arm to sleep.

Please tell me you sent the persons info along with the pix of your new roo to animal control. I hope your roo does okay.
sweetlilbaby, I did call and have to wait til Monday morning to talk to someone about it and see how I can get the pics t them, even if I have to go in person to do so.

After washing him yesterday I treated the poor guy yesterday with topical Ivomec and there's was not a mite to be seen on him this morning. The scabs that were covering his back, tail nub, butt and belly were drying and flaking off by this afternoon as well. I had to make him a thing to leap his exposed breast bone covered so it wouldn't get injured or scraped/cut up. I let him out in a small patch of grass this afternoon with my couple goslings so he could et some sun and maybe eat some grass or at least get some exercise. He didn't try and eat any grass, I guess he just doesn't know what it is or something. He walked around a little before laying down to rest but he was very slow and his movements looked almost arthritic. It was sad to watch but I'm sure the warm sun felt good on him.

Here's some new pics from today. It's amazing what the correct care and treatment can do for an animal OVERNIGHT!










Thanks for giving your Roo a chance Bleenie. He found you when he needed help! I hope Animal Control will shut the woman down, but knowing how things work in King County it will take months (if not years) for anything to happen.

My eight chicks are all supposed to be pullets. We got five free from Coastal and then purchased three more (two Ameraucanas and one Welsummer). The three we purchased are extremely timid around people. The Ameraucanas chase the other chicks and fight with the barred rock. I don't know if they are cockerels or not - maybe! Four of the chicks from the free bunch are super nice. We taught one of them to step up on your hand like a parrot, and the rest of them followed suit. Now they want to jump on your arm every time you walk in the room. One of them is huge compared to the others. I hope they didn't accidentally give me a polt. LOL I admit I know nothing about poultry, but they sure are fun to have around. I told the chicks when they weight 7 pounds they probably won't all be able to sit on my arm.

Last week we also picked up two older hens from a Craigslist ad. They came with a nice, insulated chicken house (that needs some remodeling). They are very friendly and apparently healthy. They've already laid four eggs. We found two eggs in the blackberry bushes so we're trying to train them to lay in the barn. We are calling the hens "city chickens" since they were living in a small yard in Seattle. They are very smart and get along with the horses just fine. We were joking that they are probably wondering why they don't hear sirens all night long anymore.

I have come to the decision to have my husband kill a pullet with a tendon issue I have been unable to fix. She was stepped on as a chick and it pulled the tendon to the side. I thought I had it fixed but then when she got heavier the tendon seems to have severed completely. I have been splinting it so she could stand on it and then I resorted to putting her in a sling but the leg clearly is not getting better. I hate to have to give up on her but there is nothing more I can do for her so it is time to end her suffering. I spoke to someone about her this week when I picked up Silkie eggs and she convinced me that it is time to give up on her. It has just taken me asking my husband to do it because I can't bear to do it myself when I am so attached to her.

I have another pullet that has a torn eyelid so I have cleaned the eye numerous times and I treated her with penicillin so the eye is not as swollen but I am not sure if I should try putting antibiotic ointment in her eye (the label says not for use in the eyes but I have read it is okay, like using cattle Ivermectin for chickens is not approved but I use it anyway, being careful not to overdose with it). I am tempted to try sewing the eyelid where it is torn but for now she is in a cage where she can't get any dirt or grass in it since my chickens free range in my yard and they like to take dust baths. They especially like hanging out under my lilac bushes on both sides of my yard and I have some new suckers growing so I am guessing she ran into a low branch but I am not certain how the eyelid was torn. I have treated inverted eyelid in lambs and kid goats by injecting penicillin into the eyelid but chickens have different eyelids so I am not sure if I should try treating the eye or just have my husband kill her with this other pullet that am giving up on. I probably put too much effort into treating my birds because they are like pets but I guess I need to start getting more aggressive about culling birds instead of treating them. It does not bother me if this chicken is blind in the injured eye so I want to give her a chance but with the eyelid being torn I don't know if she will have chronic eye infections and I can't keep her in a cage longterm.
So COOL! We have some in the 'bator, not due for 2 more weeks - fingers crossed! Is Einstein home for good now or what . . .?
He is home for a week or so, then has to go get more.
This time his Dad will be home & not in the hospital (hopefully) so he'll get a better visit there.
Dad is moving to the retirement village near by & leasing out his ranch.
He has sold off the llama, sheep, goats, and the pheasants, ducks & chickens.
I think he sold off the chukars also...or I'd try to get them up here.
He (Dad) is just having a hard time keeping up the place, getting a wee bit too much for him to cope with without the hired hands.
But these 5 babies are yours & they are doing great !

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