Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I just wanted to let anyone that may be interested in the sick roo situation known that I have submitted my report to king county animal control and was able to include ALL of the photos I got of his condition after he arrived to my home. They were appreciative I was able to include the sellers name along with the address and that I have two. Other people that are submitting reports as well(my sis and her boyfriend that picked up the roo), because they'd love to have reports of the property conditions and the. Other animals there.

Excellent, that will allow animal control to know all the people involved and they can do a complete investigation. They keep records of reports so they can refer to past reports when doing an investigation, especially when multiple people are involved. They also have the experience to determine the truth when people are lying. They can check the conditions of other birds the seller has for reference and they can inspect the property. I hope you were very detailed in your report because they will want to be able to properly investigate all of your claims.
Well I don't have much experience with animal control investigations but it sounds like you are pretty knowledgable with the "ins & outs" of it Duck Drover, maybe your words of experience will put the seller at ease regarding the predicament they're in if they happen to see this thread.

At the very least maybe the seller will pull their head out of their butt and put funds toward treating the animals they have instead of buying more.
It's been real nice lately so I finally got the chicken yard "turned over" after winter it was kinda hard on the top but the girls had a blast eating all the seeds that had started sprouting and the hundreds of worms that were in the dirt too :). Got some cute pics of the goslings too!















It's been real nice lately so I finally got the chicken yard "turned over" after winter it was kinda hard on the top but the girls had a blast eating all the seeds that had started sprouting and the hundreds of worms that were in the dirt too
. Got some cute pics of the goslings too!

Your chickens and goslings are so cute! I love Wyandottes, yours are beautiful! They look happy. :)
It's been real nice lately so I finally got the chicken yard "turned over" after winter it was kinda hard on the top but the girls had a blast eating all the seeds that had started sprouting and the hundreds of worms that were in the dirt too
. Got some cute pics of the goslings too!

I love the look on this one's face
Well I don't have much experience with animal control investigations but it sounds like you are pretty knowledgable with the "ins & outs" of it Duck Drover, maybe your words of experience will put the seller at ease regarding the predicament they're in if they happen to see this thread.

At the very least maybe the seller will pull their head out of their butt and put funds toward treating the animals they have instead of buying more.

I am in my forties and in all the years I have raised animals I have never had to deal with animal control. I have had to report child abuse as a mandatory reporter, though, so hopefully animal control is just as thorough as CPS in investigating cases of abuse and neglect. The pictures and description of your rooster are most definitely cause for concern and I do hope animal control does a thorough investigation into why he is in such a pathetic condition. I am shocked anyone would pay $20 for a bird that looks like he is dying and if the seller was to blame I am sure the buyer would jump at the offer of a refund. I do hope he pulls through and lives to see better days.

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