Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi guys, I have been busy in the garden and getting my art studio organized...matted and framed a mess of paintings for an upcoming art show, did a mess of sumissions for art shows...now I waite & see what developes.
Hopefully I get art out there for the rest of the year.
AND I am getting ready (finally) to paint for the first time in 4 or 5 years...almost impossible to do in our tiny cabin, but I have the entire top loft of this barn now !

I hardly can decide what to do first !
Hello friends! I am looking for fertile eggs for an FFA project and need them as soon as possible. I am in Western, WA (Snohomish County) I am willing to pay, but I am limited with how much I can spend. They are going to be incubated for the FFA Career Development event I am helping coordinate. I will take whatever eggs I can get--we don't need anything special!! My incubator is ready to go as I type this! :)
so not looking like long hair. Mom is short hair and completely black. Dad is long hair and tiger striped




Awe - if I didn't already have cats that are useless- our actual mouser prefers to play and torment the mice rather than kill them - chanced 2 mice around house last nite while our so called mouser just caught them to let them so she could torture the things thinking they were able to escape ----not shed just catch it again Lol
I had something burrowing inside my duck pen and haven't been able to figure it out for 2 months. Finally flooded the burrow sufficiently and one of the dogs caught this big fat rat!


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