Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I would guess that you are right on the breeds.  The leg feathering I think is a mixed bag.  I have half faverolles that have heavily feathered legs.  I have half marans chicks that have maybe 2 feathers on each leg.  

The chicks can survive for up to 3 days without eating.  However, food and water should be available to them starting now.  You should have chick starter and a shallow water pan available to your hen.  She will show the chicks how to eat and drink.  The hens will crunch up food for the babies and cluck to them as she drops it on the ground.  The chicks will come running and eat the food.  It is really cute to watch!  You can also join the broody hen thread and get a lot of good info there.  

Tonight I hand fed mom and babies. Also gave them water but neither mom or chicks drank much in my opinion. When should mom leave the nest with them? My boxes are about 12" off the coop floor but is covered in about 6" of straw so I don't think any injuries would occur if the babies hop out. They do however have to walk down a pretty steep ramp to get out. Just curious how long should they stay in before they'll venture out with mom?

You guys and your advice are great. This newb really appreciates everything. Thank you.

Tonight I hand fed mom and babies. Also gave them water but neither mom or chicks drank much in my opinion. When should mom leave the nest with them? My boxes are about 12" off the coop floor but is covered in about 6" of straw so I don't think any injuries would occur if the babies hop out. They do however have to walk down a pretty steep ramp to get out. Just curious how long should they stay in before they'll venture out with mom?
If I were you, I would put the hen and chicks in a separate place so she can raise them without having to compete with the other chickens. It is also going to be very difficult (if not impossible) for the chicks to get in and out of the nest box where it is. My broody slept in a dog crate with the chicks at night. It was placed on the floor of her coop/stall and they would all go back in there to sleep at night for about the first 4 weeks. After that I put them in the coop with the mom at night and they had their own coop during the day. That broody was a very good mom and nothing happened to her chicks. However, I have heard of roosters or other hens killing the chicks. It is just safer for them to get started without the other chickens around.

The hen should leave the nest box with the chicks when they are about 2 days old. The chicks will be fairly active and very curious, although they won't get too far from mom at first.
If I were you, I would put the hen and chicks in a separate place so she can raise them without having to compete with the other chickens.  It is also going to be very difficult (if not impossible) for the chicks to get in and out of the nest box where it is.  My broody slept in a dog crate with the chicks at night.  It was placed on the floor of her coop/stall and they would all go back in there to sleep at night for about the first 4 weeks.  After that I put them in the coop with the mom at night and they had their own coop during the day.  That broody was a very good mom and nothing happened to her chicks.  However, I have heard of roosters or other hens killing the chicks.  It is just safer for them to get started without the other chickens around.  

The hen should leave the nest box with the chicks when they are about 2 days old.  The chicks will be fairly active and very curious, although they won't get too far from mom at first.

Good advice. I will get them separated this morning when I get home from work. I hope the little guys made it through the night.
Ugh! So now all the flock is taking turns bullying "Mable" around. They bully the cockerels a little but not like Mable. I've considered moving her and her brothers to the old coop to give them some space. But I'm nervous about moving her with three cockerels. Should I look into getting another pullet or two about her age so shes not out numbered. The old coop is fenced in at the bottom so the free ranging flock can still see the chicks but not touch them.
Hey everyone just wanted to comment did not know how many people in Washington talk. I didn't know there was a thread I've been looking. Just saying hello to everyone from seattle/tukwila.

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