Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

No barred rock, blackstar, or wyandotte. The most likely are buff orpington and australorp. We've only one brahma, but if one hatches with feathered feet you'll know who mama was! There's a very slight possibility that a jersey giant rooster is dad, but I don't think they're that active yet.

I've got my fingers crossed for you!
the two eggs that werent fertile you gave me I put them in vinagar and I am disolving the shell to take a peek inside (they never started devloping never started seeping or smelling) :) I am soo eggcited it is driving me bonkers I am ready for them to start hatching and having babies!! I am crossing my fingers and praying heavily that everything goes ok :) they are getting cramped in there now :)

two infertile eggs I removed from the incubator they never started developing but I had hoped against hope that was just my inexperience.. I placed them in vinagar two days ago to dissolve the shell so could look inside better :)
Woohoo! I just got back from my holiday trip to find my RIR, Ruby, has had a running start on laying! She laid her first brown 1.8 oz beauty the day we left on the 23rd, which was exciting in and of itself. She's laid 4 out of five days, with the last two edging up into 1.9 oz. Nearly to Large, so stoked!
Unhappy. I thought I got it out, and it was looking better, but now we're back to square one. It doesn't seem to be getting any bigger, but I can tell it bugs her :(

Just getting through the holidays and figuring out Plan B
Woohoo! I just got back from my holiday trip to find my RIR, Ruby, has had a running start on laying! She laid her first brown 1.8 oz beauty the day we left on the 23rd, which was exciting in and of itself. She's laid 4 out of five days, with the last two edging up into 1.9 oz. Nearly to Large, so stoked!
first eggs are always so exciting! Heck, every egg after is still exciting to me! lolc

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