Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I get the whole sex link versus auto sexing what if you cross a auto sexing bird with a regular bird will the resulting chicks still be auto sexing?

"Auto Sex" is not a gene. It's the result of many generations of breeding to get the correct sex linked genetics for color/pattern that remain consistent within the breed every time they are bred.

Your idea would be much like breeding a white leghorn to a black australorp in hopes of getting all white chicks even though you've introduced new genetics.

"Auto Sex" is not a gene. It's the result of many generations of breeding to get the correct sex linked genetics for color/pattern that remain consistent within the breed every time they are bred.

Your idea would be much like breeding a white leghorn to a black australorp in hopes of getting all white chicks even though you've introduced new genetics.

Reminds me of Labradors....breed a yellow to a black & get either black or yellow, but not brown............but that covers both sexes, so it is not a sex link.
Hey Carolyn, shipped your sweet meat seeds today, and also elizmartin.........WHO ELSE WANTED SWEET MEATS ?
PM me.

Sissy, on the right, is spring loaded and ready to either pounce or run.

OMG ! The weird giant freaky thing is coming at us !!!!!!!!!

Mommy I want one to play with !
They both ended up running away as the hens got closer.........
So I just got my new Brinsea EcoGlow20 today. I already love it. I've had a heat lamp the past year but always worried it would fall or the kids would burn themselves on it. I worry no longer the EcoGlow is awesome. My chicks are loving it too..
So I just got my new Brinsea EcoGlow20 today. I already love it. I've had a heat lamp the past year but always worried it would fall or the kids would burn themselves on it. I worry no longer the EcoGlow is awesome. My chicks are loving it too..

I like mine. I've only had to use it for a few days at a time. I'm lazy and would much rather that a hen raise the chicks for me.

Yesterday I got my replacement layers from the feed store and put them under the EE hen who is dependable. Confused chicks yesterday. Today she has them doing exactly what she wants.
I've only had broody take chicks. This one had been sitting for a month and was getting antsy that the ceramic eggs hadn't transformed into chicks, but they just got the ones I wanted in.

I have two other broodies in the silkie pen. We'll see if any of them are still broody in a week and a half.

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