Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Anyone here raise ducks? My DH has been talking about looking into ducks. He read something about them being quieter and having more frequent and bigger eggs than chickens. Also the idea of being able to have a drake and raising eggs or ducklings would be a bonus. We can't have roosters cause were to close to neighbors. So heres my question is this info true? What are some cons people have come across and can you raise them with your chickens in the same flock. We've got some chicks right now I'm thinking about adding some ducks to them now so they can bond, but I don't know anything about ducks or if this is something that can be done. Any help thanks!
And that's why silkies rock. No issues with the other hens. Then once the chicks are about a week old they start sleeping under everyone at night. Lots of room under all them. They always seem to like the rooster best.
Nope. Going to raise them Au naturel. Momma (Sussex) hen is by far the feistiest of the group (the rest are Faverolles.) I know that doesn't guarantee their safety, but we're going to try it this way and see how it goes.
My chicks are due tomorrow as well. I heard some peeping coming from the incubator this morning, but no pips yet. I can't wait to see what kind of babies I get...always a nice surprise.
Q: Why did the cannibal join the police force?

A: He wanted to grill suspects.
Dang those suckers are in a hurry. Chicks are due Saturday. Ones out and at least two more are pipped.
All of my sets have cam early too !
What is it, the progression of spring ?
Hatched 10 Peking ducklings last week, and they were 3 days early, the Marans they were set with hatched out on day 21, so it was not an incubator issue...............??????????

Hatched 10 more Peking ducklings last night, also 3 days early !
They are suppose to pip Saturday !
My chicks are due tomorrow as well. I heard some peeping coming from the incubator this morning, but no pips yet. I can't wait to see what kind of babies I get...always a nice surprise.
Do you have all those birds in 1 coop cross pollinating ?

I bet you are very surprised when they hatch !
And even more as they grow !
Like a box of chocolates !

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