Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Chickielady, we finally got all of our chicks into their new brooder! We raised it up on our own before this morning and hung the water so it hung low (not a joke!). If we didn't have our Banty "Bikini" we'd have raised it all up higher but since she's so small compared with the other six chicks we don't want her to be at a disadvantage. They are now out in the "yard" or pen where I put some worms in a dirt circle that was once, or meant to be a water heater pan but we had used it beneath our smoker in our carport when we lived in Olympia.
I found a grub while gardening and put it in the dirt with the earthworms and boy do feathers fly! Bikini was the last one down in the pen and that's cause I have a hard time catching her cause she's so tiny. I might post some pics when I get the chance. It's time to play now!
Beautiful day out - 65 and not a cloud in the sky! Cleaned the coop, took care of the lawn and garden, the apple trees are in full bloom and the cherry tree we planted has some flowers too - woo! The chicks have FINALLY got the hang of "sleep in the coop, roam in the run during the day" rather than staying in just one or the other 24/7. Now if they would just learn to drink from the poultry nipples, my work load will drop. So cute to hear their peeps transition into proper clucks, they sound like little pre-teens when the wild birds spook them, a crackled garble between a peep and loud cluck! Now just waiting on the neighbor to hook me up with my tomato seedlings and I'm set for spring!
. Been super busy at our house. Added these three lovely ducks to our flock and the chicks are now 6 weeks old and getting huge. So much fun! Next is to get something planted. Not sure what yet but something. Lol
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Hello! I'm new here! I just wanted to say hello. I live in Monroe, and just started with chickens a couple months ago. What started as 4 hens given to us by a friend has turned into 18 total. 14 of which are chicks of varying ages.and I'm looking for even more eggs so I can do some incubating! Needless to say I'm bitten by the chicken bug, and have been practicing my chicken math.

Welcome! You're sure in the right neighborhood for attending the spring show at the fairgrounds.

Hey there, littleredwagon. Glad you joined us.

My babies are now 8 weeks old. How much longer do I need to keep them on Chick Starter feed? I'm almost to the bottom of the sack and will need to go out and get some more feed in about a week, maybe less. How long do I need to keep them on that?

When do I change their feed and to what?
Thanks, everyone.

You can use any 20% protein feed now. I use Purina Flock Raiser. While I have littles everybody gets it but I put out plenty of shell for the layers since the feed has none. When your littles get close to laying you can switch over to layer, or as many people do, stick with the flock raiser with shell on the side. The young ones will begin to eat the shell when their body is ready for it.

For anyone dealing with the challenge of chicks kicking their dry feed all over the place, try adding some water to make a thick paste, like oatmeal. Besides controlling how far it flies, it's fun to watch them clean their dirty little beaks.

I actually add a liquid lactobacillus/probiotic liquid (which I make myself) and let it ferment for 24 hours. It's very healthy besides cutting down on the feed issues.
Hello everyone. I'm new here and I live outside Spokane, Wa on about 5 acres. Searching for Serama breeders brought me here as I am having a very hard time locating them up here. If anyone knows of someone who sells them, I would appreciate any help to point me in the right direction
Serema breeders abound in EWA !!!

I will get back as soon as I can on a link for you !
Chickielady, we finally got all of our chicks into their new brooder! We raised it up on our own before this morning and hung the water so it hung low (not a joke!). If we didn't have our Banty "Bikini" we'd have raised it all up higher but since she's so small compared with the other six chicks we don't want her to be at a disadvantage. They are now out in the "yard" or pen where I put some worms in a dirt circle that was once, or meant to be a water heater pan but we had used it beneath our smoker in our carport when we lived in Olympia.
I found a grub while gardening and put it in the dirt with the earthworms and boy do feathers fly! Bikini was the last one down in the pen and that's cause I have a hard time catching her cause she's so tiny. I might post some pics when I get the chance. It's time to play now!
You seriously do not have to address each and every post to ME, but rather just post to the participants on this thread..............
Beautiful day out - 65 and not a cloud in the sky! Cleaned the coop, took care of the lawn and garden, the apple trees are in full bloom and the cherry tree we planted has some flowers too - woo! The chicks have FINALLY got the hang of "sleep in the coop, roam in the run during the day" rather than staying in just one or the other 24/7. Now if they would just learn to drink from the poultry nipples, my work load will drop. So cute to hear their peeps transition into proper clucks, they sound like little pre-teens when the wild birds spook them, a crackled garble between a peep and loud cluck! Now just waiting on the neighbor to hook me up with my tomato seedlings and I'm set for spring!
I guess I worry too much! Our chicks are now in the new brooder and in the run or pen but they don't seem to want to go back into the brooder. It seems others have had the same issue or situation. I guess their lives are a learning process as well as our own. I'm a new chicken mom and I guess human moms don't have all the answers either/neither. Sigh.. I guess patience is the key word for today.
I guess I worry too much! Our chicks are now in the new brooder and in the run or pen but they don't seem to want to go back into the brooder. It seems others have had the same issue or situation. I guess their lives are a learning process as well as our own. I'm a new chicken mom and I guess human moms don't have all the answers either/neither. Sigh.. I guess patience is the key word for today.
My chicks get flock raiser mixed with the chick starter when they are 5 - 6 weeks old. Then I slowly switch them over to straight flock raiser by the time they are about 10 weeks old. Of course they get other food like vegetables and grass. When they finally go out to the coop they should already be used to the flock raiser. The pullets seem to like the flock raiser better, and the hen want to gobble up the chick starter - why can't they eat what they are supposed to!?!?


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