Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi everyone!
I live in the Richland area of Washington I'm looking for a large breed rooster for a 4h project. Please let me know if you know if someone has one thank you!
The ONLY weed killer I have found that works here is "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner! It will kill almost anything down to the root. It is at the dollar store. It's basically pure hydrochloric acid... so converts to fertilizer, rather quickly down here in the soggy SW. You are basically causing MASSIVE fertilizer burn.


Will it kill only what you spray or everything else in the surrounding area? I have some nuisance plants that I want to kill, but not kill surrounding things
I ordered 8 silver spangled hamburgs, no packing peanuts, from Ideal. They just arrived Friday. The runt, which was a bit jetlagged looking on arrival... is doing great and already caught up in size pretty much! If it were not pretty much impossible... I'd swear the **** things ate and drank themselves to death! As a small breed, the chicks are tiny... but eat more than any breed I've ever seen! About a cup a day. And no spillage. They are also growing equally fast. Granted, one of the appealing things about them is that they start to lay at about 21 weeks, and will lay consistantly for about 7 years. But, the dang things are three days old and are already getting all the wing and tail feathers in!

The Works will kill anything it is sprayed on, so you do need to watch overspray. If done on a sunny day, it works overnight and won't kill the surrounding vegetation as long as it was not applied directly to it. Just a drop or two will shrivel a dandelion. So, do not think you need to saturate. It is EXCELLENT for walkway, driveway, or sidewalk cracks!!!!
LOL @ Sphinx! Yeah, live is probably preferred.

Ok, so I started the day at 6:30am with 6 live, seemingly healthy chicks. They took 2 "bring out yer dead" naps today (it was all I could do not to wake them and check pulses!), and are currently running wind sprints. I lowered the temp a bit (I may add a hot water 2 liter bottle wrapped in a towel tonight and leave temp down) and it is now fluctuating between 75-82. They actually seem to be doing BETTER at this lower temp. Not normal for 3 day old chicks... but neither is keeling over for no reason! I also added some chick grit. This also should not be totally needed, as they are only on medicated chick feed... but I am just throwing he kitchen sink at them. I am probably just overdoing it... I've read on more than one website that a 70%-75% survival between hatch and week 3 seems to be kinda the norm. The good news is that after week three... they are practically bulletproof!

If I wake to less than 6 chicks. I am gonna be grumpy. They appear to be some of the healthiest chicks I have ever seen. I am totally perplexed.
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I ordered 8 silver spangled hamburgs, no packing peanuts, from Ideal. They just arrived Friday. The runt, which was a bit jetlagged looking on arrival... is doing great and already caught up in size pretty much! If it were not pretty much impossible... I'd swear the **** things ate and drank themselves to death! As a small breed, the chicks are tiny... but eat more than any breed I've ever seen! About a cup a day. And no spillage. They are also growing equally fast. Granted, one of the appealing things about them is that they start to lay at about 21 weeks, and will lay consistantly for about 7 years. But, the dang things are three days old and are already getting all the wing and tail feathers in!

The Works will kill anything it is sprayed on, so you do need to watch overspray. If done on a sunny day, it works overnight and won't kill the surrounding vegetation as long as it was not applied directly to it. Just a drop or two will shrivel a dandelion. So, do not think you need to saturate. It is EXCELLENT for walkway, driveway, or sidewalk cracks!!!!

The house we're that we've been in since Sept. - the previous owner managed to plant Vining Myrle next to the house and anyone who knows the plant knows that was a BAD idea and I also have it growing through a stump in the middle of my lawn, it had been there a while for how thick it was- got most of that junk out but it's legs are still around and re growing


This whole area was Myrtle, which I've now noticed its spreading into the actual lawn - bad stuff, bad
Ok... I have to weirdest question of the day!

Has anyone ever heard of, considered, or actually done... Stud service for their hens? Yeah, TOLD you it was a weird question! See, I'm not allowed to really have roosters. But I am starting to see why Hamburgs are becoming endangered. The little buggers are NOT easy to raise. Each of the 6 I have seem to have varying amounts of black, from very little to almost covered in spots. All SEEM to be sound conformation wise. If any turn out particularly nice, or all are at least decent... I would love to breed in the spring each year and get some others out there raising some. I'm wondering if I could "rent" a rooster for a week or two at that time. Is this an insane idea?
LOL @ Sphinx! Yeah, live is probably preferred.

Ok, so I started the day at 6:30am with 6 live, seemingly healthy chicks. They took 2 "bring out yer dead" naps today (it was all I could do not to wake them and check pulses!), and are currently running wind sprints. I lowered the temp a bit (I may add a hot water 2 liter bottle wrapped in a towel tonight and leave temp down) and it is now fluctuating between 75-82. They actually seem to be doing BETTER at this lower temp. Not normal for 3 day old chicks... but neither is keeling over for no reason! I also added some chick grit. This also should not be totally needed, as they are only on medicated chick feed... but I am just throwing he kitchen sink at them. I am probably just overdoing it... I've read on more than one website that a 70%-75% survival between hatch and week 3 seems to be kinda the norm. The good news is that after week three... they are practically bulletproof!

If I wake to less than 6 chicks. I am gonna be grumpy. They appear to be some of the healthiest chicks I have ever seen. I am totally perplexed.

Dang that just makes no sense - is the area warm maybe that's why need to up the heat lamp?
I've still never heard of a breed that has a survivability average, that's just odd- 3 day feathering would be slight wings , ours are 3 days and some I can tell Frizzle already-

Where'd you get those birds?
Ok... I have to weirdest question of the day!

Has anyone ever heard of, considered, or actually done... Stud service for their hens? Yeah, TOLD you it was a weird question! See, I'm not allowed to really have roosters. But I am starting to see why Hamburgs are becoming endangered. The little buggers are NOT easy to raise. Each of the 6 I have seem to have varying amounts of black, from very little to almost covered in spots. All SEEM to be sound conformation wise. If any turn out particularly nice, or all are at least decent... I would love to breed in the spring each year and get some others out there raising some. I'm wondering if I could "rent" a rooster for a week or two at that time. Is this an insane idea?

Lmao- well does my mother count as to pimping him out to girls we don't even have yet? Lol- but hey that's an idea isn't it, would take time I would think - usually takes our girls a bit with a new rooster- they either fight him or run away all the time - unless you sent your hens over somewhere for a couple days

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