Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Chickielady. we are moving into a senior mobile home park. it is really nice. we are buying a brand new mobile they are building it now. My wife has lived in this small place for 8 years (like you) she deserves something nicer. she can hardly cook in this small place No counter space.

If you are interested in the Bresse chickens I will give them to you, ONLY you. Tamara is taking the cream legbars. she like you has been so helpful to me in raising a flock. THANKS !!!
welcome sweety ! and Thanks !
I adore tea eggs! Haven't made them in ages
They look awesome, I am going to get my rear in gear & make some today.
I already made blueberry & strawberries, mushed & GF shortcakes for dessert !
Chicken Cacciatori, ravioli & garlic bread for dinner !

News: Einstein is making another run to NorCal (Lake County/Sanoma/healdsburg/San Franciso) going Tuesday A.M. early....coming back in about 5-6 days.
Im new to raising chickens, actually haven't even started. Ive been researching meat birds. Can anybody give me good recommendation? Also Im looking for a couple of egg layers too. Hopefully adding them to my farm in a couple of weeks. Any info will be helpful. Thanks

Good to see you here.
This is an excellent place to learn, ask any questions you like & no question is a dumb question !
Meat birds, huh ?
Well, yesterday it was 104 here at our cabin's porch, in the shade, and I said to my SO:
Glad we did not raise meat birds this year, every one of them would have dropped dead from the heat yesterday.

If we do raise meaties, we do it early, like in Januray, and usually butcher cockerels at 12-14 weeks, and the hens at 16 weeks.
So they'd all be in the freezer by May 1st.
I like 2 varieties: The Bar-be-Cue special from McMurray , usually 25 in january & 25 in late February, so we get 50 in the freezer.
We now are going to try raising Bresse, which go on pasture for the first part of their lives (like we do our cornish cross) and the last part of their lives is spent on fattening up.
I have to read more about how they are grown, but this is what I have read on them so far.
Of course, we'll get a bunch to RonB, beings he is gifting the Bresse to me.
The other thing alot of people are doing, is caponizing...which you can do to any cockerel, which makes them grow a bit plumper, not as stringy & they do not crow !
Hope this helps, and others here can describe what they do as far as meaties.
Dennis and Co. just had ceramic eggs on sale so I bought five of 'em. I think mine are still too young but my Cuckoo Maran is getting close I think. You still crack me up with your quips and you have a similar attitude to mine. Its kind of like the commercial for the Store: "Open, open, open!" except with Eggs please, eggs please...
She should be very close to laying her first fart egg...
Two Chicksahs (how did you determine your name?)

Came back home just a little while ago, (my dogs have a rash :( ) and decided I'd better walk across the driveway to see the "chicks". They came running to me with loud sqwaks telling me how hot they were. So, I pulled an ice ring with watermelon in it out of the freezer for them and gave it to them. They were so excited to see it. I think they remembered when I gave it to them last week. They ate the blueberries last time and I'm sure they will eat the watermelon that is left in no time flat. It's suppose to get up to 88 degrees by late this afternoon. It's 83 now, so I know they were hot. I got hot just walking out to the mailbox. Guess I need to find something else I can freeze in a water ring and get that frozen for next time.
It was 103 here on the south facing hill where our little cabin is, and that was in the shade.

It was 95 in the North side of our barn house, which is a big shady area.

Opening any door was like peeking into a 350 degree oven.

SSSSSOOOOOOOOO GLAD it is cool, cloudy & rainy today !!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Try making kinda runny jello (jello with double the water content) and freeze it in a ring or wide flat type mold.
I saw someone doing that years ago...although I cannot recall the exact recipe, I will look for it.
My hubby and I moved our chicken tractor today, then, I went in and sat down with them with scratch in hand. They came close around and let me pet them. A couple even sat on my lap.
After I came out of their run, I noticed a little white glob of CHICKEN POOP on my shirt.
Come on chickens...I gave you treats and you see fit to poop on me? Oh well. Guess a little soap and water will do the trick.
Changing the subject, Is that Half Dome behind you in your Avatar photo ?

Good to see you here.
This is an excellent place to learn, ask any questions you like & no question is a dumb question !
Meat birds, huh ?
Well, yesterday it was 104 here at our cabin's porch, in the shade, and I said to my SO:
Glad we did not raise meat birds this year, every one of them would have dropped dead from the heat yesterday.

If we do raise meaties, we do it early, like in Januray, and usually butcher cockerels at 12-14 weeks, and the hens at 16 weeks.
So they'd all be in the freezer by May 1st.
I like 2 varieties: The Bar-be-Cue special from McMurray , usually 25 in january & 25 in late February, so we get 50 in the freezer.
We now are going to try raising Bresse, which go on pasture for the first part of their lives (like we do our cornish cross) and the last part of their lives is spent on fattening up.
I have to read more about how they are grown, but this is what I have read on them so far.
Of course, we'll get a bunch to RonB, beings he is gifting the Bresse to me.
The other thing alot of people are doing, is caponizing...which you can do to any cockerel, which makes them grow a bit plumper, not as stringy & they do not crow !
Hope this helps, and others here can describe what they do as far as meaties.
What ??? Your going to butcher my Bresse ?? I thought you wanted them for their eggs LOL

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