Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Quick question to all of you in western Washington.... Are their breeds you stay away from because of our rainy season. First year with chickens. All my girls weathered just fine during our rain because they have plenty of options for shelter but my Minorca was stressed and hunkered down underneath a low table the whole time,not eating or drinking. I finally got her in the coop with treats and she ate. She was truly a chicken.

That somewhat depends on your setup. If they're going to be in the mud much you may want to avoid those with heavily feathered feet as they'll be muddy all the time. Silkies may not be as tolerant to the cold as most and need to stay dry as their feathers are water resistant. I prefer to have a good sized area that's covered and fairly dry. As long as your coop is kept dry and draft free, but still with good ventilation, most breeds do just fine in the temperate climate here in W. Washington.
Had to get on and share my *eggciting* news!

Gathered eggs today and these lucky ones from our EEs are numbers 1,999 & 2,000 for all time! Whoo-hoo!!

Fun! Eggciting! Congratulations!
First, thanks to everybody for being so eager to help. The qualities we are looking for are pretty simple I think. We'd like good layers that are tolerant of Pacific Northwest weather, friendly (easy to catch), not too broody. My kids are 11&13 and it would be a bummer to have snobby, skittish birds. We also have a 1 year old lab that will be very slowly introduced to them over a period of time while on a leash. I've looked at all of the breeds and ratings on BYC and also some other sites and I made a list of the ones that sounded like a good fit for us. We'd like to have 6-7 birds and I'm not at all interested in chicks or future breeding. They will simply be spoiled pets that happen to provide breakfast.

Ok so here is my long list of possibilities:
(I starred the ones I'm leaning towards)
* austrolorp
*plymoth rock
*red star
New Hampshire
Barred rock -bossy???
Sex link

First... every chicken has a personality of it's own. Although some breeds are more docile than others doesn't mean you'll have one that's super friendly. I think the one I've heard of most often as the most family friendly is the Buff Orpington. For me it's been my Black & Red Sexlinks, our Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, and the little Easter Egger I have now. How skittish one is will depend a lot on how often you handle them and the flock's general personality. I've seen a very friendly hen get skittish after being left to free range with a group of very "independent" hens for a few weeks. Often times there is also a difference in personality depending on the parents of the birds and whether they are hatchery or breeder produced. A prime example is the Rhode Island Red. The hatchery version is pretty much a whole different bird with a personality that's so unpredictable that some have given up on them for their family. Compare that to the Heritage version of the same breed which is a very mellow, rather docile and shy bird. And the size and coloring make them look like two completely different breeds! In general you should expect hatchery birds to be smaller and only generally looking like the breeds you read about. Hatcheries seldom breed their chickens to the actual breed standards. It's sad to say, but they are comparable to puppy mills. Feed stores typically get their stock from the big commercial hatcheries.

There are a lot of good breeders in the NW. If you have the opportunity to attend either of the poultry shows in W. Wash. this fall I promise you will be amazed at the beauty and variety of birds there. You'll also have the opportunity to talk to the breeders and perhaps buy some of the birds they bring for sale.

I'd also like to suggest you consider Barenvelders. They are beautiful and produce the most gorgeous BIG dark speckled eggs. They are nice sized gentle birds and a bit shy. And like other have mentioned, both Easter Eggers and pure Ameraucanas are nice to have. (note: Easter Eggers are often sold as "Americanas" with the letter i. They are mixed breeds that have some Ameraucana blood in their background. They are not an actual breed.)
As to breeds... I've had a Red Star who was a fun bird, and, she laid an egg every day, missing very few days. Her eggs were also quite large for such a small girl.

I have some crossbred hens that I dearly love. They are out of Penedesenca hens (known for being flighty and my purebreds fit that description) and a Black Maran cock. They come running when I walk across the backyard with a bucket or plate in my hands. Sweet hens and fairly good layers. Penedesencas are very very rare. I have not seen anyone nearer than California with any. Time for me to set the incubator for another round.
Does anyone know where I could get a couple of chicks of any breed that are about 3 weeks old? I need them for company with a chick that the hen has abandoned so I can move her to my brooder pen.

I am on the N.E. side of the Olympic Peninsula. Kitsap County or Tacoma area are the easiest for me to get to.
Does anyone know where I could get a couple of chicks of any breed that are about 3 weeks old? I need them for company with a chick that the hen has abandoned so I can move her to my brooder pen.

I am on the N.E. side of the Olympic Peninsula. Kitsap County or Tacoma area are the easiest for me to get to.

There were several advertised on Craigslist in your area(ish).
Hello fellow WA BYCers

Hope all is well with you all. I am down to two chickens (on purpose), both Fav's from ElizM so I am hoping to add one or two pullets or young hens. Faverolles would be my preference but another docile breed would probably work - are silkies docile? (I've never had one). If you know of any or perhaps hatching eggs - let me know.

Enjoy the cooler weather!
As to breeds... I've had a Red Star who was a fun bird, and, she laid an egg every day, missing very few days. Her eggs were also quite large for such a small girl.  

I have some crossbred hens that I dearly love. They are out of Penedesenca hens (known for being flighty and my purebreds fit that description) and a Black Maran cock.  They come running when I walk across the backyard with a bucket or plate in my hands. Sweet hens and fairly good layers. Penedesencas are very very rare. I have not seen anyone nearer than California with any.  Time for me to set the incubator for another round.

As in Grand Coolie? Check out "my pet chicken" they have a lot of breeds that aren't standard feed store finds.

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