Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Just an fyi I lost a chick from a leg injury. The only thing in the pen that could have done the injury was one of those plastic feeders with the oval holes around it that the chicks eat from. He had to have gotten his little leg in there, under the plastic dividing those holes and fought to get loose. He was extremely sore for several days and limped for a long time. He never did do well, some days reverting to the very sore lameness, and died before he matured. I feel it was a loss that did not have to happen. From now on, little chicks here can walk in their dish of food all they want if it saves one life. Oh, another tip. With open water dishes, add marbles to the water to keep them from drowning. They will drink between the marbles. Water goes down fast this way so keep an eye on it.
The chick also could have been trampled by sibblings. bones are soft and if they pile up quickly legs can get twisted. regarding water dishes, any bowl shapes need a rock or brick or ? otherwise any age can tip them over on themselves and unless discovered soon will die.
if they can fly, you will risk their natural inclination to join their friends wild or bred. enclosed pens or clipped wings. yes, they are lovely , 
I worry about having them with clipped wings. We had 6 young wild geese in our pond (they came on their own, we didn't put them there) and in one night Wylie Coyote killed and carried them all off. Sigh, maybe no pond birds for me.


I can set my clocks by my roosters crowing at 2am

crow restrictor  on his neck.. or dinner in the pot.. 

Nah. The collars dont really work. Louie came to me because of that. Im out in the country away from close neighbors and I can only hear them if the tv is off. The ameraucana roosters have some sort of 2am and all is well checkup from their different pens. Usually 3 crows each then done. And Duke is such a sweat heart that I'd forgive him even if he did wake me.

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