Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Read up on this site & look at the photos....


I woke up this morning with my left index finger purple only on the palm side...took some pictures so I'll work on getting them posted to show you.
Hopefully you can find out what ailes your daughter...I DO have raybaud's, but this on 1 side of my finger is not Raynaud's.
So weird !
I cannot take any antihistamine med except Diphenhydramine....if I do, I get bad anaphalxis reactions...that includes Afrin, Claritin & Zertex....if I take Diphenhydramine, I get relaxed just enough to state my case, maybe talking too much.............:lau

Sorry if I was ranting....
There was a BYCer on this thread several years ago, forgot her name, but she'd come on (and was up all night often) and RANT constantly...she was very hard on alot of ppl, apparently due to her meds, and hopefully I do not get that bad.
Apologies to any I offended...
Wow, thanks for that link. Who knows,
Maybe I will be able to figure something out for my daughter. I think she gets the blood pooling in her feet and ankles and lower legs.
Chickielady, congrats on your diagnosis!  It's hard to deal with mystery issues like that.  Mine is called fibromyalgia, and it took a while for them to work out what it was too.  Good luck with treatments!  Did you know that there are people turning dermatographia into art?  here's a link to one image, but there are many more.


On another note, my poor little RIR had her second go at laying an egg today and got egg bound.  :p  I'm going to give her a day or two to see if she can get it on her own and then I guess I'd better figure out how to help her out.

I gave my littlest hen the contents of a calcium capsules. It helped with the contractions.
This post just made me very happy I'm not a chicken! I've had 4 children and the thought of giving birth every day...well that's just a cruel joke!

Seriously! I've watched those poor hens, there are even a couple I've been a doula for. Having a nine to ten month pregnancy then get it out in hours seems better than doing the same blooming thing everyday, sometimes twice..... ouch!
Exactly a week later after getting my silkies, it came back!

Holy Cow ! How far is that from your house/kids/pets ? I'd be freakin, call authorities & get the bear trapped & hauled away !
This is the 2nd time it has gotten some of our chickens. After the first attack, it came back but my husband scared it off... Lots of neighbors also complaining... So we called DFW, and she said "You know, it's bear season. Get yourself a bear tag and have at it... Otherwise, you can kill it for destroying property or livestock but it will become property of St of Wa." My husband got a bear tag but hoping we don't have to use it...
Some people say its good meat, if anything else, you could always par boil & bag it for dog food, don't feed it raw to your dog. I heard bears are full of parasites cuz they eat so much garbage...rotten itcky stuff

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