Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Yes I did. I'm going to ask my doctor to do some research.
I live in Fall City. We just moved to this house this summer and I've had attacks from a coyote, bear, hawk, and a bobcat. Never a dull moment here... A neighbor just spotted a cougar this past week so I'm sure it won't be long... That'll probably be the scariest one yet...
Have friends used to live in North Bend, and had lots of bear, so much so, her orchard trees were always busted up. The bear also ripped up and climbing-type plants she had, like trained cane berries.
They were also 'infested' with Elk & Deer, and assorted coyotes, hawks & Eagles.
So far here, we've seen bobcat, suspected cougar but had no run in with either other than irritating the dog at night, and thankfully, no bear although folks not too far away have had lots of bear trouble...and a close by Tavern/Restaurant had big-time bear issues, needing a trap brought out several times before they caught all 4-5 bear that were ripping up the dumpster every night.
Chickielady, congrats on your diagnosis! It's hard to deal with mystery issues like that. Mine is called fibromyalgia, and it took a while for them to work out what it was too. Good luck with treatments! Did you know that there are people turning dermatographia into art? here's a link to one image, but there are many more.


On another note, my poor little RIR had her second go at laying an egg today and got egg bound. :p I'm going to give her a day or two to see if she can get it on her own and then I guess I'd better figure out how to help her out.
wow, egg bound on her 2nd egg ? Is she a bantam or LF ?
That is weird for one so young...usually their eggs are smaller.
Hope you get it figured out.
As for Fibromyalgia....it (in me) appears as part of the syndrome, there are so many 'syndromes' that (like my Mother) thinks I am a blipping nut case...............purple hands & feet (Raynaud's) intolerance with Gluten (Celiac Disease) leg pain (Plebitis ?) Tachicardia 1-2x a year (POTS ?) derma graphia & itchy welts (MAST cell) and the pancreatic issue ...I am still trying to fit that in with all the other syndrome, so it is 1 disease, but has many syndromes, fibromyalgia is one of them...achy and extremely exhausted....so
Maybe you have other syndromes you can 'knit' altogether into 1 disease ?
In my experience, Fibro is usually part of something else.
Hope you figure it out & get it taken care of !
I gave my littlest hen the contents of a calcium capsules. It helped with the contractions.

For being egg bound, I have heard some do a warm mineral oil (or EVOO) douche, or enema if you want to call it that, as far up as you can get it with a syringe(no needle of course!)

A warm bath (sit the hen in it ) in a shallow tub so just her vent area is nice & warm, hold her in there, keep the water warm & sometimes the relaxing helps it pass.

Good Luck with the egg bound hen Tytyvyllus !
A little follow-up on why I gave my hen calcium when she was egg bound. 1st I read on this site that it sometimes works. 2nd I went into the vet with my dog, whom I suspected of eating too much chicken poop. I asked Doc what he thought of the calcium. He told me he didn't know about chickens, but when a cat or dog is having a difficult labor the first thing they try is giving them calcium. Uterus contractions deplete calcium in dogs and cats. I figure it can't hurt to try it.

Lacy is golden sex link that weights about 4 pounds. She was just starting to lay. Every other day she laid a double yoked egg. They were huge. I gave her 1/2 the contents of a calcium capsule and 1/2 hour later she had a giant egg. I put the calcium into water and squirted on her tongue. If I have to do it again, I probably use something a bit more solid. She hates cheese, but loves yogurt. Her laying has become consistent, every day one large brown egg. I have oyster shell available in the coop and have started feeding everyone yogurt in morning. This morning they got warm oatmeal also. We had a frost.
[COLOR=0000CD]For being egg bound, I have heard some do a warm mineral oil (or EVOO) douche, or enema if you want to call it that, as far up as you can get it with a syringe(no needle of course!)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]A warm bath (sit the hen in it ) in a shallow tub so just her vent area is nice & warm, hold her in there, keep the water warm & sometimes the relaxing helps it pass.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000CD]Good Luck with the egg bound hen Tytyvyllus ![/COLOR]

How does someone even begin to tell that a chicken is egg bound? Haven't been there yet and just want to know what to look out for.

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