Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Ogress, I probably pass your old house daily
We live in Wilderness Rim. The chickens were a bit ticked off at this weeks snow. But wait till next week, ladies. Its supposed to snow all week!
You likely do! We built the beautiful cedar and stone home in the Uplands on the corner of Uplands way and SE 163. It came out to twice he size and 3X price we agreed to so I always knew we would eventually have to move. We were there for 13 years, and have I listed for a lot less than what paid to build. Unfortunately, it is not moving. The entire house we are now renting would fit in the great room of that place! All my furniture us still in the house to stage it. My back was hurting from trying to sleep for months on a leaky air mattress, so I finally bought a bed. Back to the way I grew up. the big house was fun while it lasted, now I just need it to sell for what we are asking so I have $ to fund life's next adventure. I wish I could have brought my coop here. I don't know if you know Josh Wyrsch, but he built it for me. I feel so sad every time I go back. I loved that place, now it seems odd I could have ever lived there; but I lived there longer than at any other address in my life. We built it super energy efficient with geothermal heat. my utility bills here are close to the same.

I thought Wilderness Rim had CCR's against chickens. I kept chickens for friends who lived there. I did see chickens out on the road there quite often... a Buff Orpington and a couple of RIR. Some of my flock now lives next to the Nursery at Mt. Si; and one of my calico bantam roosters, if he is still living, moved himself to the nursery where they changed his name to Speed Bump, because he always hung out in the driveway.

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