Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

k I am confused, I have 5 barred rocks, 2 Rhode Island reds and 6 light Brahmas someone is giving big white eggs every other day. the Brahmas are all to young no dominant cones yet.
I see from looking at your pictures that you've got a turkey with your flock. Maybe the eggs are from her. Brahmas have pea combs, so their combs will be small compared to the Rocks and Reds.
Well my stupid Turkey was trying to rape my chickens I pulled it and placed it in a little coop I have separate. this is the highest amount I have had. usually about 5 a day
I had 7 eggs today, we had some shopping again came home went to the peeps. I picked up 2 this morning just came back in where there are 5 more one right next to the door. so do Rhode Island Reds lay white eggs?

Always so fun to see them come back into production.......promise of spring on its way. My girls started ramping production right after Christmas.

that would be good I could wear something beside long johns and wool sweaters a thing called Graves took my sight but also does not allow me to regulate my temperatures well. others may be in t-shirts I am in wool:he   

Not being able to regulate temperature would really stink. I have very little vision and will eventually have none. So I am working on designing a coupe that I can still manage even if I can't see anything.
Got 4 eggs (from my 6 girls) today and laid them on a card table we had set up in my father's living room downstairs. Well, my husband called me to come out and see something in the garage and my father followed us out. We finished with the garage and came back in the house to discover that I no longer had 4 eggs. Two were missing. My stinking Dixie dog apparently ate them. I was so excited that my 4th hen was laying again cause we've only been getting 2-3 eggs a day. Oh, well. I guess I know better now. :(

BTW, if you're going to feed the birds don't use bread, if they are anything like geese, the bread isn't good for them. Please use birdseed instead.

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