Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I guess grown birds or 5 to 6 months, I could start babies a few days old as well, they have a secondary coop to my first 13 they abut each other so they may be integrated later. Mossyrock and Spokane aren't that far apart.
I guess grown birds or 5 to 6 months, I could start babies a few days old as well, they have a secondary coop to my first 13  they abut each other so they may be integrated later. Mossyrock and Spokane aren't that far apart.

I will have EE chicks hatching about the 29th.
That would be great, I can raise them from peeps. I just let my best friend driver know we all share the house here ad my chicken fun as I am mostly blind
I came home from my family's house after the game tonight to 9 dead chickens and a Bobcat in my coop! My hubby borrowed a shot gun and took care of the Bobcat so it won't be back thankfully. Such a shame to have to kill it but it would have been back. One hen is still missing and I hope she will show up in the morning. All I am left with is Frankie the rooster, my old, old white hen(non layer), a broody hen and a Barred Rock. I cannot believe this happened! I will say, even though we live with quite a bit of wood surrounding us, in the last couple days we have had a lot of wildlife activity through our back pasture.

Does anyone have a broody hen that they would be willing to sell?
I have eggs under my hen that are developing and I originally was going to toss them and set some eggs I have coming from Chickielady, but now I want to keep mine going too and attempt to replace some of my lost girls so I need a second broody to hatch more eggs as I don't have an incubator or have a desire to raise chicks my self.

Looks like it's store bought eggs for us the rest of the year. :'(
Oh my! That's absolutely horrible!! So sorry! How did it get in? I worry about my girls...you name it and ALL the predators are around where we live including the bobcats and cougars. We found an owl in our coop not to long ago but we have forgotten to close the coop door after sunset. (Only by 30 minutes!)
I came home from my family's house after the game tonight to 9 dead chickens and a Bobcat in my coop! My hubby borrowed a shot gun and took care of the Bobcat so it won't be back thankfully. Such a shame to have to kill it but it would have been back. One hen is still missing and I hope she will show up in the morning. All I am left with is Frankie the rooster, my old, old white hen(non layer), a broody hen and a Barred Rock. I cannot believe this happened! I will say, even though we live with quite a bit of wood surrounding us, in the last couple days we have had a lot of wildlife activity through our back pasture.

Does anyone have a broody hen that they would be willing to sell?
I have eggs under my hen that are developing and I originally was going to toss them and set some eggs I have coming from Chickielady, but now I want to keep mine going too and attempt to replace some of my lost girls so I need a second broody to hatch more eggs as I don't have an incubator or have a desire to raise chicks my self.

Looks like it's store bought eggs for us the rest of the year. :'(

Oh man. I'm very sorry, that just sucks.
Oh my! That's absolutely horrible!! So sorry! How did it get in? I worry about my girls...you name it and ALL the predators are around where we live including the bobcats and cougars. We found an owl in our coop not to long ago but we have forgotten to close the coop door after sunset. (Only by 30 minutes!)

I came home and was out in the coop at 6:30pm. They were locked in a tall chain link run but the coop door was open. I have always left the coop door open but the run closed and in the 3 years since we moved in this place I have never had a problem with predators unless they were out free ranging. I was shocked! It took me a second to dial my husband because I was so shocked as to what I was actually seeing. So sad, the hens that were killed were so friendly, I had finally got a super friendly crew that we're all named and super layers. Makes me sick!
I came home and was out in the coop at 6:30pm. They were locked in a tall chain link run but the coop door was open. I have always left the coop door open but the run closed and in the 3 years since we moved in this place I have never had a problem with predators unless they were out free ranging. I was shocked! It took me a second to dial my husband because I was so shocked as to what I was actually seeing. So sad, the hens that were killed were so friendly, I had finally got a super friendly crew that we're all named and super layers. Makes me sick!
Now I'm feeling totally paranoid.. I have 4 new birds.. that I'm going to have to quarantine and I'm going to have to make a BETTER and safer area for them to be in for the next two weeks.
I am in Washington State. I like chickens but I am in to the ducks for their eggs. I am allergic to chicken eggs and duck eggs do not bother me. I am not able to buy duck eggs in my area so I had no choice but to get 6 ducks to get my eggs.
Is this site only for chickens.  ??
Hey LeannS!!! I live in Burbank and frequently travel to Yakima AND I HAVE DUCK EGGS!! I have runners, Cayugas and Anconas. I currently have about 2 dozen eggs and sell them for $4 per 1/2 dz. I also have 6 eggs in the incubator that should hatch any day and 10 more set to hatch at the end of the month. Text or call me 509-823--6731 and let me know what you want or need.

That would be great, I can raise  them from peeps. I just  let my best friend driver know we all share the house here ad my chicken fun as I am mostly blind

I will message you as they hatch then!

Oh my! That's absolutely horrible!! So sorry! How did it get in? I worry about my girls...you name it and ALL the predators are around where we live including the bobcats and cougars. We found an owl in our coop not to long ago but we have forgotten to close the coop door after sunset. (Only by 30 minutes!)

That is aweful! So sad. I don't have a broody but I do have mixed breed fertile eggs if you need more. I also have an incubator, it's full right now but depending on when your broody's eggs are due you could slip her extra chicks.

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