Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

The one with the long male tail & white earlobes is their rooster...the others, a black & a barred, are hens.
hey no accounting for vision here they all look GREAT
So I just got done doing Marek's on the last few hatches of chicks.....

I forgot to count, but I think there is about 50....and they are coming along just great !

But boy am I hot...
New slogan:

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the chick brooder room !

What does that entail?
Well, first we sit DO in a chair next to the brooder boxes, there is 3 boxes, about 3' by 4' by 3' high.
I grabs the chicks, wipes the back of their noggins with alcohol & gives them a shot under the skin right behind the head, it makes a tiny bubble of liquid you can see.
I hand the shot bird to DO who drops it in a box...

Then we do the next bird...and it is hot in there, and dusty with all the stampeding birds and noisy....as you can imagine.
When that brooder is done, we put the chicks back in their brooder & step over to the next brooder box and repeat...

Here is a video, but these folks are awfully slow cuz it is their first time.
We speed along, doing 50-100 in an hour or less.
The needle goes in Sub-Q just under the skin NOT in any muscle, and a bubble of vaccine injected.
The home version of this vaccine is not as fool proof as the one the big hatcheries use, I don't know why, but the hatcheries actually inject their version into the egg before the chick hatches.

Mareks is everywhere. If you have air on your property, it's there. Some breeds are highly vulnerable to it (ex. Silkies) and others are fairly resistant.

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