Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

See most of mine from junebuggena are easter eggers and are getting the muffs
puffy cheeks.. my friend comments on them over the barred because they
also have the unique color
Help?! I have new laying hens. My Ameracauna layed her first egg last Thursday but not since. Is it common for them to stop like that? When she did lay they were 2 very tiny eggs.
glad you could stop by... I have many hens from junbuggena
many the same age but takes them different times to start
I am out of surgery and he only had to do two surgeries, not the third one that he was going to decide on once I was knocked out. I am so glad it is finally done and he did not have to cut into my calf, just my foot and ankle. I have 3 more weeks of no weight bearing but then I can start walking with the air cast.

I thought I would be drowsy and dizzy but I feel alert and wide awake. My daughter's plane landed an hour ago so she will be home soon. I wish I could have gone to the airport with my husband to pick her up but I have to ice and elevate for at least 24 hours to keep the swelling down. I just wanted to post an update since I am not napping as I had expected.
Hi everyone,

after a tough month im back fro a bit.

My BL polish chick (3 1/2 months) passed away due to a few combined illnesses on the 16th, and after an emotional few days, my dad promised me he would buy another polish, if it would make me happy.

he does hate to see his 17 year old cry.

Though I know another bird could never replace my dear polish chick's place in my heart, It would make me feel better if my 3 month old SL Wyandotte chick had a friend for when we introduce her officially to the big flock (8 adult hens)

So on that note, does anyone know of a Tolbunt Polish breeder who ships anywhere, and has started juveniles available?

My dad told me to do some searching/asking, and he would pay up to $100 for the right bird.

please let me know, and thankyou ^^
I am out of surgery and he only had to do two surgeries, not the third one that he was going to decide on once I was knocked out. I am so glad it is finally done and he did not have to cut into my calf, just my foot and ankle. I have 3 more weeks of no weight bearing but then I can start walking with the air cast.

I thought I would be drowsy and dizzy but I feel alert and wide awake. My daughter's plane landed an hour ago so she will be home soon. I wish I could have gone to the airport with my husband to pick her up but I have to ice and elevate for at least 24 hours to keep the swelling down. I just wanted to post an update since I am not napping as I had expected.
Curios, did you tear the Achilles, or any other tendons in your initial injury ?
So they had to re-attach the tendons ?
If so, that is a seriously painful ordeal !!

In any event, I wish you a speedy recovery...it has been a long time !

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