Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I love Scovie hens as pets and egg provoders and they are awesome setters and protectors of their young ! Most people do not realize there is 2 type of ducks in the world, one is the muscovy type...in which the male herds ALL the hens to him and will fight for the rest.........and the other type is the Mallard type duck, which is one male & one female pair off, mate & raise a brood. Muscovies can be a handful, especially mean spring males. But I love the hens...such awesome birds ! She put herself between me & my camera and those babies...awesome mommie !
I raised chocolate Muscovies for years many years ago and one drake could cover 20 hens and each hen hatched out about 20+ ducklings at a time (up to 28). I also made balut for customers and butchered meat drakes. I kept the best hens and traded out the drake once a year but it got too hard to find nice drakes without the pied white that is nearly impossible to breed out. If I could find some nice solid colored Muscovies again I might go back to raising meat ducks but right now we are raising the Australian Spotted ducks that my daughter wanted to conserve.
my girls are out in their new run after the BF did not let them out this morning
it was snaining (snow x rain) he did not think they would come out so I went out
pre coffee to do it myself they are having a blast did get Bf to at least help moving their favorite roost
ladder to the new place
too early photo's soon
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And I have awesome Bielefelders...hatching eggs for sale !!!!!! I have never seen a bird produce an egg consistantly almost as big as a duck egg, year round....ever !
They are on my wish list but we have to stick with what we have already for now since roosters are banned under the new code and the number of birds is now limited to 5 total instead of based on living space. At some point in the future I would like to raise them and by then the price will come down on them. I need our birds to pay for themselves.
I'm going to the Monroe show next month! Is it likely that people will bring any hatching eggs to sell? Or, generally, is there sale area set up somewhere? Or is it primarily the birds being shown for sale?
James had a couple of 2 x 4 2ft long he cut wrong length

We used outdoor paint I had bought went to the hardware store bought 50 ft of poly cord
it will be just long enough for 2 girls or 1 Blue and hang from the 55 year old apple tree
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Showing off my eggs!

Marans, Olive eggers, and a few mixed brown egg layers!

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