Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Thank you! We definitely have birds of prey roaming the area. How did you put up your netting? I have a 6' chain link fence around the backyard surrounded by trees, but not much cover on the actual property
We used very tall T-Poles made of PVC piping to hold it up high enough to walk around under it. Then attached it to the fence all around. We have it draped over the apple and pear trees. It is not an easy maintenance project when it comes to trimming trees, but it has worked for us. It has been 4 years so now it is time to replace it. Another big job. Our net covers a 4000 SF area.
Not much by way of cover. I'm thinking about making bamboo teepees and growing runner beans up them for shelters until I get around to making something more lasting. Thanks for the tip on the wing clipping! Could they fly over a six foot fence?
While they can fly over a 5 ft fence if motivated, I find my chickens do not want to be outside their enclosure. If they inadvertently get out, they are frantic to get back in.
Had a good couple of hours of work this morning. I mixed up some homemade fertilizer from a little of my vinegar-eggshell calcium mix and some fermented plant juice in a couple gallons of water for the tomatoes and peppers.

I don't have composted chicken manure, so I found a dozen dried piles, dissolved them in a quart of water, then added a cup of that liquid to a gallon jug and filled that with water. Poured a little around each pepper and tomato plant. Hope it doesn't kill them. LOL

Then I watered the whole garden with well water. After that it started raining...

Picked up trash along the road, branches in the yard, and cleaned up a pile of concrete and rock next to my shop. Used the chunks to secure one corner of my chicken run.

And lastly, I mixed up a quart of mash for my chickens, about 1/3 scratch grains and 2/3 starter crumbles. Let it soak for a half hour and dumped it on a big piece of tree bark in the run. They loved it!

So now I think I'll have some sardines for lunch and maybe take a nap this afternoon. Hope it keeps raining.
Thank you! We definitely have birds of prey roaming the area. How did you put up your netting? I have a 6' chain link fence around the backyard surrounded by trees, but not much cover on the actual property
Wow, took me a while to find this photo. This is really old. We were using our old coop. So, 4 years ago? That's when we put up netting. Here is the photo of the T-Posts I'm talking about that Hubby made with PVC, just fyi.

Netting 1.JPG

LOL We had such a funny little set up in the beginning. I put in that long white shelter using just a framework and plastic, so they would have a nice outdoor shelter to get out of the rain. They had all their dirt bathing holes under there. When I only had 7 or 8 chickens, this coop was perfect. Now with 20 we have since built a walk in, fairly large coop.
Wow, took me a while to find this photo. This is really old. We were using our old coop. So, 4 years ago? That's when we put up netting. Here is the photo of the T-Posts I'm talking about that Hubby made with PVC, just fyi.

View attachment 3514998

LOL We had such a funny little set up in the beginning. I put in that long white shelter using just a framework and plastic, so they would have a nice outdoor shelter to get out of the rain. They had all their dirt bathing holes under there. When I only had 7 or 8 chickens, this coop was perfect. Now with 20 we have since built a walk in, fairly large coop.
Oh that's really clever! Thanks for finding that. I don't think it's feasible for me to cover a whole half acre like this. I could separate a portion of the backyard and net that off, but I don't want to limit them to only that area. Part of my motivation for having chickens is natural pest control - we have so many thatch ants - so I want them to have access to the bugs! Will need to do some thinking 🤔
Oh that's really clever! Thanks for finding that. I don't think it's feasible for me to cover a whole half acre like this. I could separate a portion of the backyard and net that off, but I don't want to limit them to only that area. Part of my motivation for having chickens is natural pest control - we have so many thatch ants - so I want them to have access to the bugs! Will need to do some thinking 🤔
I think it would be a bit much to cover 1/2 acre. The netting only comes in 50x50' squares. Just know there is no way to keep predators out if they are around without obstruction. And the results are devastating. I never want to go through it again.

But I understand the bug control, plus the chickens will love it. Maybe just keep a close eye on them while they are out?

Did I mention before that I bought my netting at Amazon? Here is a link. It's the cheapest I have found. Just in case you decide to make a smaller protected area for them.
Well, I do have a lot of tree cover out there but I also have open areas and did actually have a very heartbreaking eagle attack. The most heartbreaking part of it was, one of my chickens, who didn't get attacked personally, was so stressed that she cried for three days and then just died of the stress. She would stand at the coop door and give alarm calls continuously. Poor Rosey. I miss her. I've seen your chicken yard, Penny Jo and you do have some serious tree cover.

Plus, we are not near town at all. We are way out on river front property where the eagles fly.

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