Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hallerlake - I hope your Brabanter is OK!

She's still alive this morning. That's something.
Since my allergy reaction is a swollen throat to most of my allergens, taking a chance is not really something I can afford. For years they thought I might have lupus because of my constantly swollen throat, salivary glands and lymph nodes - but I never presented with the lupus trademark "butterfly" marking so they couldn't positively diagnose it. Now that I'm off the allergens, the swelling is down - I know exactly when I messed up and check what I ate. Today I ate blue cheese today and payed the price with a swollen throat for a couple of hours - my guess it may have been a mold reaction. Bleh!

Every week or so they make me show them my epi pen before they'll give me my shots. That's crazy that you had a reaction that late in the shot process. Does it make you wonder if they mixed it wrong? They are supposed to go up very gradually.
A reaction can happen any time during the shot process. My sister has a patient react to the last shot in a series, and die. The wife sued, but Lisa did everything by the book, and was completely cleared.
Quote: Carolyn Please pass the lavender I spoke for to Nikki99. I didn't know there was only one and want to "share the wealth"

Aww CR!! Thanks but you don't have to do that. It's ok if you take it, I don't mind...you did speak up first. No worries.

Also for the new peeps if ya look for Iron Imagery he can point out many of the other peeps who havemet before. I will be wearing a black cap with white and (of course) PINK !!! Or depending on the temp in the building I may be sporting a new hat ! Oh and the trailer will be sporting a PINK and white checkered flag Its only about 12 x 12 so ya will have to look for it.

Good to know. Thanks for the info!

Heres the latest on the HT. Just need to put doors on but I need to bring in a couple dump truck loads of top soil and it will be easier to get the tractor in there with the doors off.

This is cool! Is it going to be a green house?

Just joined BYC this morning after scouring this site for weeks on end before building our first coop last Spring, so to see this thread right off is a welcome treat.......we're in Eastern Washington, Blue Mountains. Two coops......41 chickens......7 breeds.....loving it......and counting. Can't wait to meet you all.

Just joined BYC this morning after scouring this site for weeks on end before building our first coop last Spring, so to see this thread right off is a welcome treat.......we're in Eastern Washington, Blue Mountains. Two coops......41 chickens......7 breeds.....loving it......and counting. Can't wait to meet you all.
Just joined BYC this morning after scouring this site for weeks on end before building our first coop last Spring, so to see this thread right off is a welcome treat.......we're in Eastern Washington, Blue Mountains. Two coops......41 chickens......7 breeds.....loving it......and counting. Can't wait to meet you all.

Welcome, from a fellow east sider! Lots of knowledge here and a good group of people. I just joined last spring, after getting my first chicks, and the info that I've gleaned here has been a big help.
Just joined BYC this morning after scouring this site for weeks on end before building our first coop last Spring, so to see this thread right off is a welcome treat.......we're in Eastern Washington, Blue Mountains. Two coops......41 chickens......7 breeds.....loving it......and counting. Can't wait to meet you all.

Hey there! We got cable yesterday...um, I wasn't missing out on anything LOL I looked for an hour for something to watch (over 100 channels!) and finally gave up and got out the trusty computer for Amazon Prime shows! This morning my kidlets are extremely happy watching PBS Kids though! Sesame Street and Curious George so far, then I have to be the bad guy and turn it off so we can do some school. Doh!
Just joined BYC this morning after scouring this site for weeks on end before building our first coop last Spring, so to see this thread right off is a welcome treat.......we're in Eastern Washington, Blue Mountains. Two coops......41 chickens......7 breeds.....loving it......and counting. Can't wait to meet you all.
Glad ya found us. This thread moves very fast but there is LOTS of good info shared here. And most likely there is some body here that can answer pretty much any poultry related questions you may have.
TO: Whoever bought the egg skelter from Manna Pro

Did you get a shipping notification? I ordered 5 days ago and haven't heard a thing. Just got the initial "we are processing your order" email right after I ordered. Hmm

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