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here is our new arrival.... minutes old too. Now not sure if it's silkie or polish.

Sorry the picture is blurry... I tried to take a quick one and put the lid back on the bator.... .
FM - I am glad you might have had some news on the where abouts of your sister. If It was her you now know she is still here.

Is the picture upside down? Or is the chick to the side of the eggs?
Check this out, I just bought a book yesterday; "The Chicken Encyclopedia" and it has a section that desribes what you find (as far as dead bird) and what animal could have done it. There are two that take the head, one is if you have Bobcats in your area but them attacking chickens is rare. Sais you would find Head bitten off, claw marks on neck, back and sides, body partially covered with litter.
The other one is a Raccoon: Backs bitten, heads missing, necks and breasts torn, or breasts and entrails eaten; or bird pulled into fence and partially eaten; or body found away from shelter; may be scattered feathers.
I love this book, anything and everything chicken.

Very sorry for your loss!
so I am a chicken carcass encyclopedia
We went out shopping this afternoon and when we got back the power was off. Luckily we have a generator. But the incubator was down to 79.
I opened it quickly and felt one of the eggs. They were still slightly warm so that's good.
Bellevue tomorrow -- my job is taking me there. Anyone close by have POL birds for sale? I need to feed the racoons .. err... I mean I need to keep up on my egg production. I have 10 hens in 'jail' because they'd rather sit on eggs than lay them. Durn broodies.

New hot wire goes up around the fence this weekend. In the mean time -- I'll stand watch early evening/morning. That coon has another thing coming.
It'll come back, and if it can, reek every neck off every chicken you have, all night long.
We went out shopping this afternoon and when we got back the power was off. Luckily we have a generator. But the incubator was down to 79.
I opened it quickly and felt one of the eggs. They were still slightly warm so that's good.
Your incubator can get as low as (my experience) 70, for 8 hours.....and start back up again. (repeatedly)
The hours lost at peak temp will be added on at pip time...so if your hatch was Down during a power outage, minutes lost there will be added to the hatch pip.

da da dauh.day 22................................
Dynamite will make a hole in the coop. Might be a little big -- . Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could cut a hole.

I think the idea is to have everyone chip in on gas etc. But I'm not sure I can do all 4 (5?) projects given the time I have available - even if I take a day or two off. Talk to SadieSue, Cfleming, FlyRobinFly ...
Maybe you better park your trailer here for a month or so......................
yeah my first hatch in this incubator I only had 2 eggs in it so the temps where going all over the place. One morning I woke up to it being at 80 then the next day I came home from work and the temp was at 104. And both eggs still hatched. And they were on time.
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H-Mart is an asian grocery up in Federal Way that we go to maybe once a month. They have a nice selection of different flours and starches and some really awesome produce. I wish it was closer just for the produce. It's a bit of a drive from down here on the south side of Graham. We go to Paldo World over in Lakewood as well, but I like H-Mart better.

Mom has so many allergies. She's actually allergic to most grasses. Wheat about kills her when it's blooming and when they harvest it since it's a major crop where she lives. She tries to stay away from my great uncle's place during harvest since he plants a lot of wheat. I don't understand how she ended up with that allergy as an adult since she didn't have an issue growing up and them growing wheat.

I lucked out and there is only one plant that blooms a short time in spring that I have issues with. Not sure what it is. I get a couple days here that I have an issue, which means it's likely something decorative in a garden. When hubby was stationed back in Virginia, I'd have over a week of stuffiness each year.

Mom can't eat store eggs. From what we've been able to guess, we think it's the egg wash. She can eat unwashed eggs from me, or from one of her hair customers who tips her with eggs.
It sounds to me like Mom has an issue (allergy) to what she thinks she may be allergic to.
Given the products.................rice is the main grass you describe.
Egg wash never penetrates the egg membrane, only reduces the soil on the exterior of the egg. Provided the ggs are washed at 120 degrees ...etc etc the way the DAg demands.
I do have a suggestion here though.........given Mom eats store chicken eggs and gets ill.................perphaps the antibiotics given to farm egg chickens is what is bothering your mom....and good she gets OFF of all commercial farm egg birds !!!!!!!!!!!
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