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If you like satellites and watching the sky, I found a link that lets you enter your zip code and it will show you what flys over head that night. The International Space Station (ISS) is easy to see with the naked eye.


This sounds a lot like the way my sister ended up with $1500 charged to her VISA card: there are boiler rooms in several countries which basically try every combination of account number and password until something fits, and then empties accounts or charges to the maximum. I don't know how protected a paypal account is, which is one reason I don't use paypal.
Depending on where your located a lot of us here breed chickens... from mutts to show quality rare breeds.

Tell us what area your located in and what your looking for.
I juiced for a while...too much hassle.
I just throw everything int he blender and drink it all up in the mornings now. Plup, fiber, juice. YUM
I put in yogurt, blueberries, bananas, melons, kale, Vit D, Niacin, Grapefruit seed extract, probiotics...ehat ever I feel like adding and it is so yummy.
It wakes up my yummy. then 3 hrs later I have breakfast...Brunch. LOL whatever meal.

hmmm .... maybe there is a use for all that nasty Kale; put in enough blueberries and other stuff to hide the bitter taste.
I put most of the pulp in a carrot cake (mix is from a GF box - Fat Free, and for fat free, it tastes amazingly good, and since I used 3 cups pulp instead of 1, it was quite moist.). Not as good as the uual butter infused one I make with cream cheese frosting, but not bad at all.

Kale is not NASTY!. I have an awesome recipe for Portugese Kale soup. Sooo yummy. I have a very regular customer who buys my Kale and makes a kale drink every morning. She puts it in her vitamix, adds pears or apples and a few other things. She said it was kind of yuck when she first started drinking it but now she loves it and she is so healthy looking. It is so good for you. The very best tasting kale is the Toscano or Dinosaur Kale. Just getting ready to put my transplants in the ground for fall and winter harvest.

The Green tomato heirloom tomato I have in the greenhouse right now is Cherokee Green. It actually ripens to a yellow with green shoulders but it's pure green on the inside. And it is sweet. I am limited on greenhouse space so had to stick to only 3 heirloom varieties. One is Black Krim and the other is Black Prince. Black Prince is on the small side but prolific and as far as taste I like the Black Krim better. Wish I could try them all.

OK, day 2 for the B&B pickles. Five more days to go before I can try them. And cucumbers and squash are very prolific so the chickens are getting feasts of them. I guess it's a good thing when I grow more than I can sell. I try to make a certain dollar amount per square foot but I am also helping with my chicken feed bill so it counts for something. If inedible for them it goes into the compost so it's still counting for something.
Very nice, CR. You are very creative with the horseshoes! I really have no idea about prices, sorry I am no help.

Hey CR i just went and looked at your BYC page. Wow, you did a great job of reviving those free coops! They are so cute! Does the window open on the first one? We put in a cute old window like that and it swings out, but we can't figure out how to make it stay open, especially after we put the hardware cloth over the inside of the window opening. We will have to open it from the outside, I guess.

I looked at your ironimagery too. Very nice! Lots of fun stuff and great ideas. Love your bells! Wish I had had one when the five kids were little to call them to dinner!

Yes all of the windows open. The old one is hinged at the top and has little hooks. And then you can't see in the pic but there are small chains that each corner hooks on.
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