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now that we finally turned the heat pump on, I'm expecting the annual invasion here too -- they just love this Lindal "arctic" roof structure

guess the chickens will be getting some protein treats ....
I WONDERED where all my stupid insects wandered off to! They didn't show up this year like they always do. Not that I miss the stupid little demons. Feel free to hold onto them!
We are too!!!! I stepped out our front door to go get the little man from his 4-H program and holy smokes! They were EVERY WHERE!!!! All those black dots in the pics below are Ladybugs... and that's not even the half of them! LOL


I got your voicemail. I have been napping on and off all day. A little bit Nyquil induced! I will give ya a call tomorrow evening when I get off work!

That worked for me. I ended up with 2 neighbors knocking at my door with all the nasty little dogs. What I didn't know is that these 2 neighbors don't talk to each other. Some angst over a street tree, and dog kennels. It was rather awkward for a bit. Any way I met another great neighbor, that I have a lot in common with. I ended up over at her house looking at her garden. Her garden is beautiful.

When I got home I realized that I had left the door to the garage open, as well as the back sliding glass door. It was dark in here, and I flipped on the lights. A few moments later I see something kind of big fly by my head. It was this that flew by me.


So then I had to figure out how to catch her and get Fred back outside. I realized that the first thing I needed to do was turn the lights off. She was hiding in the garden window, so then that meant I needed to move half the plantation. So she got caught easily. But then I realize and confirmed that she didn't want to go outside where it was dark and sleepy time. So I now have Fred tucked into the greenhouse for the night. She wasn't wanting to fly off into the night. I left the door open so she should be able to leave in the morning.


As long as I had to house Fred for part of the day, I figured that I was going to get pictures to prove she was here. I told Fred that's the price of bird food in the people house.


Oh, so lucky! Hummer's are so calm when held; I think it's because they're completely fearless! I've got a little bit of Butterfly Bush still in bloom, and was just watching the hummers and some kind of biggish moth duelling it out trying to get nectar for themselves.

Finished the day's work before dark, and as soon as I figure out where I lay my camera down we may have chicken pictures.
Thanks for the reminder. I washed my terrycloth robe with a bit of bleach and hung it out to dry in the sun, and noticed later in the afternoon that the ladybugs were everywhere.

Better check my cuffs and pockets, eh?
Lol, I remember that icecream scoop.... Shame on you! lol
most of the weekend was so fast it was a blur for me but I think it was Red Rooster. I think Rusty hen had left. See she is from the wong sida da creek
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