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Hey peeps! Just checking in after my long day yesterday!
All day up north at the dr. MRI and ultrasounds done as well as two consults. So tomorrow I have to go back and get that image guided core biopsy thingy done that CL was telling me about. I get a chip installed so I guess I'll be rigged for sound!
They found a suspicious spot on the left so future planning is on hold till we get the pathology back on tomorrows procedures.
Anybody every got a migraine from the dye they inject you with for an MRI? I had a fun one!

CL- sorry to hear about your knee! I know how hard it must be for you to sit still. Hope you get better soon!

HSH- I think your coop is AWESOME!!!

Welcome to the new peeps! Debbie_Nibbles and MamaMarcy and anybody else I may havd missed.(sorry) Good to have y'all to chat with!

CR- looks like you cleaned house!!! What a treasure of finds!!!! Can't wait to see what you end up doing with it all!

Clover- the news about your FIL makes my heart so happy and relieved!! What a miracle!

RW- Welcome home and thanks for the pics. I've always wanted to see A. Samoa. Beautiful. Glad you had a safe trip and good time!

I know there were more things I wanted to say to everybody but am running low on brain power lately.
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Thank you CGG - it's all Cloverleaf's doing - I just hatched and raised those sweeties is all. The hard work was done long before I got 'em!

Happy Belated 25th Anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment, though most of us realize not every day is paradise. I laugh when I remember an article I read years ago just as Kevin Costner (who I loved at the time) and his wife were splitting up. He obviously still cared a great deal for her although he had screwed up majorly. But it's a motto I swear by - in the immortal words of Kevin Costner "Marriage is a hard, hard, gig."

25 years?!!! That's amazing these days! You are not a bad wife! I forgot once too! My DH didn't say a word! He knew I would beat myself enough when I hit me. Plus, he was probably racking up points incase he ever forgot but he never has! We will hit 20 this December.
I have seen and greatly admired the winter shot of your coop before but that recent autumn photo is brilliant! Such a pretty coop - perfect for an urban or suburban setting. May I ask who built it? Do you have any interior photos?

I'd like to see pics of your "Illia" birds too. Mine are still having quiet time in the garage, but they're eating and drinking well.

Thanks, I like it, too.
I made a model out of copy paper and tape and showed it to my father, a retired contractor.
He laughed at me but said he'd help.
We build it out of scrap lumber and old pallets.
He helped at all the critical points such as cement work and making the whole thing square and stable.
For Mother's Day, my children gave me the hardware and roofing tiles.
I had tons of old white paint.
It's really a pallet coop with lots of "make-up" - kinda like me - I clean up okay

Do I have photos? Well, yes, millions!
But first, please remember that I am a CPA.
I reseached a ton before I made the prototype.
So, good with research, analytical, blah blah blah - but NOT a contractor!
So, first a wide shot so you can see where everything fits in.
Here's a photo of me pretending to be a roofer. See the high quality materials?

Next shot you can see the upper roost that sits in a notched 2x4.
Under that is a removable poop board with loose vinyl on top. This poop board slides forward for easy cleaning.
I think you can see that I have a vinyl floor that runs up the back wall of the coop. It's loose in front, tucked in by a lip board.
When I clean, I can lift the vinyl and clean everything, ending with a good dusting of DE, food grade, of course.
The nesting boxes are dark to make them more inviting. (A scrumptious leftover plum chocolate color!)
Can't see this but I attached the lip in front of the nesting box first on either side to a 1 inch block of wood so that there would be a 1 inch gap between the lip and the nest allowing for easy sweeping of the nest box litter into the main coop for clean up.
Electrical cord is enclosed in that round pipe which was grey until I painted it.
Here's the way I made a removable lip to help keep shavings inside the coop. It also hold the vinyl in place.
You can see the junk wood in this photo, too!
The pop door is a piece of leftover acrylic that slides easily in simple tracks. The entire run is secure so the pop door doesn't have a lock.
I keep the water under the coop so the girls can't sit on it. Keeps the water so much cleaner.
The pop door lifts with a simple pulley system. Here is a shot of how we ran the rope through the hardware cloth.
Keeps everything neat and tidy, just the way a CPA would like things.

Then, of course, needed to secure the rope so the door stays up.
In the next shot you can see the pallet board construction.
We hung the feeder on a board that slides out. We used the hardware from an old kitchen cabinet. I don't know what the slider-outer-thing hardware is called. I hope it's clear enough in the photo.
The floor directly under the coop is cement. On the storage side it's just cement. On the other side - the run side - it's cement covered with sand. (The rest of the run has harware cloth covered with sand.) I really like having supplies close by and secured from rodents. (of unusual or the usual size!)
Extra ventilation window propped up with a stick that hangs handy.
More storage with adjustable shelves. There's a sheet of metal on the floor of this cabinet just in case rodents ever feel like making a try for the snacks.
A notched 2x4 in the run holds a branch or a 1x4 or 2x4, depending on the season.
And, lastly, since I clearly got carried away with this show and tell, I decided to add another favorite shot.
Obviously, I am not a builder, or a breeder for that matter.
Just a city slicker who loves keeping birds as does my daughter as evidenced below.
Seriously, this is probably way, way more than you wanted to see or read!
Thanks for letting me share.

Thank you for posting your pics! It's just as pretty inside as outside and I'm impressed with your planning. You made good use of the space so you've got storage without increasing the footprint a great deal. Very clever. How nice that your Dad is a great builder so he could help you realize your plans. It is perfectly suitable for it's setting. Love it. And your DD is a very pretty girl!
This is a very nice set up.
NOTHING to be embarrassed about. You have done a very nice job building. Thank you for sharing.

Now I mean if ya wanna see some real junk look at what I try to get by with. I don't have much $$ to spend on my coops and it shows.
But at least my birds have what they need ( I think).

That's all the chickens care about. The rest is for the spouses and neighbors.
Thank you CGG - it's all Cloverleaf's doing - I just hatched and raised those sweeties is all. The hard work was done long before I got 'em!

Happy Belated 25th Anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment, though most of us realize not every day is paradise. I laugh when I remember an article I read years ago just as Kevin Costner (who I loved at the time) and his wife were splitting up. He obviously still cared a great deal for her although he had screwed up majorly. But it's a motto I swear by - in the immortal words of Kevin Costner "Marriage is a hard, hard, gig."

we are in for 27 yrs ;D

25 years?!!! That's amazing these days! You are not a bad wife! I forgot once too! My DH didn't say a word! He knew I would beat myself enough when I hit me. Plus, he was probably racking up points incase he ever forgot but he never has! We will hit 20 this December.
we are in for 27 yrs ;D

25 years?!!! That's amazing these days! You are not a bad wife! I forgot once too! My DH didn't say a word! He knew I would beat myself enough when I hit me. Plus, he was probably racking up points incase he ever forgot but he never has! We will hit 20 this December.

H&T's-congrats on your 27 in progress! Way to go!
Ok, not going to do any chores today 'cus it's my birthday.

Well, I'll feed the goat, and the bunnies, and rabbits and chickens, and collect eggs, and wash dishes and vacuum the floors and do laundry, walk the dog, stuff the capon, clean the bathroom, finish the ironing, but after that "I'M NOT DOING ANY CHORES"!
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