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Yep, you can tell from the grill and hood line the car is a 70 Buick GS. Buick is my 2nd favorite car, Pontiac is where my heart is.


I am a Dodge Challenger fan myself...............
OK speaking of fan, the more I read up on SF 49ers, the more I am wondering if we will not get either a tighter tie, or loose by a goal or two, but surely not get stomped...I hope!

we have a challenger too, work in progress. its one of many that manage to find their way here...
Sorry, I was out making a temporary patch on the siding that needs completely replaced; nerve racking to go outside at night and see a crack of light where there's supposed to be a solid wall (old LP siding, supposed to have been replaced by the manufacturer but I suspect it was just more LP repainted!)

That's done, or not done-done but at least more like a wall than it was.

Forty minutes of light left and I have to water the chickies and then get the Christmas tree trimmed up and in the stand. And hose off some cage wire to put around it to keep the cats out. I hope. That'll work, right?

I forgot to buy something for my sister's sister-in-law again. AGAIN. I am such a social failure, I can't even.
I am a Dodge Challenger fan myself...............
OK speaking of fan, the more I read up on SF 49ers, the more I am wondering if we will not get either a tighter tie, or loose by a goal or two, but surely not get stomped...I hope!

we have a challenger too, work in progress. its one of many that manage to find their way here...

What year???
I LOVE them!!!!!!
DH just sold his bright yellow fully restored Hudson..that I will never stop hearing about.
He wants a 40-50s Merc or a 30s Ford Cabriole...42 I think he wants.
In the mean time, his big interest in making a rat road, odd parts & chasis.
If you have anything that can be used for a rat rod, please let me know!
DH's #2 daughter confiscated Grandpa's Merc Phaeton upon his death..left to her since she was a toddler & loved the car so much.
It was garaged for 15 years...it was tomato red & white but kinda like this one: (but this is a Monterrey)


This is the actual car & her updates she sends to us...emgine removed & firewall & fenders painted, just did the dash & steering wheel...apolstry looks good...


DH wants a rat rod, kinda like this:


an engine:

Rat rods are alot of fun...everything is crusty & odd...I have seen beer kegs cut open & used as seats....all sorts of weird stuff.
Gotta start with a healthy chasis, and hopefully some sort of body, so anyone see one or know of one or have one PLEASE PM me!!!!!

Now...the Bantam Barnsvelders







They are gorgeous!!!!!!!
Small, beautifully laced....their black lacing glows beetle-green in the sun.
They are quiet!
Hardly eat a cup of feed daily....all 6 of them!
They are in their own grown up coop now...and tomorrow they (and all my chicks) get their Marek's vaccine & then will be locked indoors for a few days while their immunal systems deal with the virus....and that, my friends is why you should only vaccinate day old chicks, because day olds are not outside where they can contract a disease while their immunal system is busy dealing with the vaccine.
OK...off for now~~
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Durn it!

I just watched a bird kill it's self. She was under the coop and most of her buddies were outside the wire. She should have walked up the ramp into the coop and hopped out the man door. I often open up the man doors and let them free range when I get home from work. But this little gal decided that she'd be able to FLY OUT from under the coop. Broke her neck.

Chickens are dumb.
Yup there...was it an Ameracauna????
Just askin'......cuz mine do that very thing...Cree lines & other lines, they are all nuts.
I have had to clip wings to prevent it, and still have had full grown hens who I have raised by hand, flip out & break their wings or necks.
I've been down sick for the last couple of days. I'm not looking forward to Mr H getting it.

We have (happily) not had 1 issue of flu or cold in years..........until after hitting Walmart & a few other stores...and now we both have a congestion issue.....DH much moreso than I as he smokes (((
))) and swears he will STOP (for over 10 years now) so far with me, it is a FULL head, sinuses clogged, and a bit weak.
I'm not sure if I want smarter animals; I went out and put Bacchus' alfalfa in his feed pan, left the orchard gate open so he could bounce all the way home at high speed, and then followed him through the gate, over to his pen...where he wasn't. He was on the back porch standing where the dogs do waiting to be let in the house!

I'm supposed to be putting the Christmas Tree in the stand but there was some point between putting the goofus Jacob's leash on and putting him in his house and the moment I moved the tree stand when my lower back decided to make my life more interesting with rolling muscle spasms. I can barely move and have yet to make dinner.

Stupid human bodies.
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