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X2 Each and everyone is different, and the pain can go deep, or deeply right through you.

My mother died unexpectedly fifteen years ago this morning. Those of us who were living in Western Washington may recognize the date as that of the 1996 Ice Storm, the worst weather I've ever experienced (the Columbus Day storm was terrifying, but then it was over; the ice and snow held on for over a week). I have had time to learn that lesson over and over.

My mother died unexpectedly fifteen years ago this morning. Those of us who were living in Western Washington may recognize the date as that of the 1996 Ice Storm, the worst weather I've ever experienced (the Columbus Day storm was terrifying, but then it was over; the ice and snow held on for over a week). I have had time to learn that lesson over and over.


It doesn't seem that long, you know?
So, so very sorry for your loss. My mother is living in my basement in my oldest daughter's room as the economy has hit her extremely hard. We're sharing one of our cars with her too. Unfortunately she brought her husband! Aw well, can't win them all.

My friend who lost her 3 month old daughter to SIDS a year ago last night (Christmas Night) is having a pretty tough day. I wish I could take all the pain from her, roll it up and put it in my pocket and just give her back a little at a time.

People are valuable and time is very short. Love you little Haylee Ann

While it is never easy to lose a beloved feathered/furry family member. But it makes it especially harder at a time when there should be so much joy and happiness. So sorry

So sorry you lost your sweet pup

Im so sorry 4312, Im fighting right now to keep one of my does with us, she's trying so hard. Its so hard to lose them they are all our children in my mind.

They are all my kids - for sure. We think that she had a couple of strokes. When I talked to the vet the last time....she told me that Brandy had mentally checked out. We thought she had had a stroke earlier too. She had been deteriorating...I was going to take her in after the holidays for a check up.

Thank you for your kind words. Good luck with your doe....I don't care if they have 2 or 4 feet, skin - fur - or feathers....they all have a special place in my heart....Person or critter. Let us know how it goes.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but ya need to throw a pile of dust down on yer bed to make Bumble's bath complete. The count down is on until that Limo comes rolling in with our Sir Pierre in side.
Thank you. That is but a little sample.

Here is some more::

My front door on the Barn Cabin:



I have a BIG metal cut out on my gate...let me know if ya wanna see that too~~~
CR:::::::::: LOVE the new door art! It is perfect on the barn door don't ya think??

Looks good. Hey did I mention I made my last online sale at 11:30 Christmas eve and even made local deliveries on Christmas day.
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