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Hey CR, I might be planning a road trip down yonder if things work out. Would you and your lovely wife be available a week from Sunday to meet for a late lunch or early dinner? Nothing concrete is falling into place quite yet though, may have to go USPS route.
I have no plans to move.

I take it that lady Holly never got a hold of ya?
Hang in there CR!

No she never got back to me. I have heard she is dealing with family things. Seems there is some local issues and it may be easiest for me to just pull the plug for now.
What does having a soul have to do with grieving? Not a darn thing. Not one darn thing. Even those of us without souls grieve.

This is in response to your signature. Again this subject is highly debatable so I am not sharing this to start a debate. I try to stay away from these subjects on this forum but since you have shared I feel like I should share also since your Epicurus statement is all questions. Again, I am not going to debate this, I am only sharing what I believe.

First, I believe in Creation. This world is too full of beautiful wonders, amazing animals etc for it to just have happened by chance and no one will change my mind. Besides, we all know evolution is a theory, not scientifically proven so when I weigh them both I choose Creation. That said, I believe when God created the world it was perfect but He created man to have free will and to make their own choices. It wasn't His plan to step in and fix our mistakes, heal all diseases or to stop someone from doing evil so that it remains perfect. The first man and women chose to eat of the forbidden fruit which unleashed evil into the world. It not only allowed evil people, it allowed illness and disease and natural disasters, so even the good people end up suffering. We are here to learn from our mistakes and unfortunately those of others, to test our faith when we get a disease or bacteria or how we deal with disasters or when an innocent suffers at the hands of an evil one. We may not understand or ever end up seeing the good but I believe God promises that good will come of it somehow. If we believe and hold onto faith we will come out on top, good will overcome evil and we will realize God's promise that there will be a perfect world when our work on earth is done. This is what I believe.

There are many others with many other beliefs and I am not going to argue them. Everyone has free choice to believe what they choose. This is what I have chosen, and hope to have shed some light on Epicurus' questions.

I'm going to try and go, depends on money, ect. I would like to show at Monroe first and see what happens, keep ya posted!! And since I have never been to Stevenson, I wouldn't know where to stay, so I will have to research!
Hardening of the heart. That I can get behind!

Believe me when I tell you, that as a very strong BELIEVER, what your signature states has crossed my mind, I have had some things happen in my life, evil things, things that have hurt innocent children, it shook me to the core!! things I can't wrap my mind around, yet, I also STRONGLY BELIEVE that this person and his evil will be dealt with in no uncertain terms! That even tho I haven't seen it, here in our time and space, the justice I EXPECTED from my Higher Power, doesn't mean it will go unavenged!!!
I just got some encouraging news from the Dr. at the Cancer alliance.
I do have to go up for the sodium fluoride PET scan but she is mostly sure that the cancer is not in my bones and that what they are seeing is arthritis!!!
So my life expectancy just went from 20% back up to 90+%!
What a difference one call can make.
It has been over a week with the original report in my head and on my heart.
Please keep this in your prayers and thoughts. And thanks for the ones you have already offered.
I'm not quite done holding my breath yet but I do feel a bit better!
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