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Ok so Ive been really bad
I have some sizzle, scovy, Araucana, Ameracuana, and Cream Legbar eggs
heading my way right now. So if in a month you dont hear from me it will be becasue my husband put me 6 feet deep. He is so going to kill me

So now I have to get busy and put some more hatchers together so they can hatch. Next I have now idea how to do duck eggs.

Ooooh, sounds like a lot of fun!
Congrats on all your new birds and I hope your hubby doesn't kill you, unless he wants to inherit the entire flock!
I've lost about 8-10 birds over the last two months; mostly bantams and started chicks. I thought at first it was bad luck, but I am sending a bird in for necropsy today. I am also sending in some feed samples to be tested.

Yikes Jean, not good! I hope you find some answers.

The chicks I got from you are doing very well though!
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.... So my husband called me today from work and said I needed to go to the farm store in MT Vernon.... I said why??? Cant I just go to the Coop? he said no go there and go to the desk and give them your name... Again I asked why? He said women just do it already said I love you and hung up..... So I get the kids in the truck drive up there give the girl my name..... AND.....She said Happy Anniversary, I have your BLRW chicks ready to go.
. I had asked him about a month ago if I could get 2 BLRW and he told me NO I had toooo many.... Well now I guess I know why.... He had already ordered and paid for them....

Whoo hoo, what a guy! Congrats on your new BLRWs!
I planned on only having 3 chickens.
When people ask, I tell them I still have only 3 chickens but their friends are over all the time....

I'll have to use that if I end up going to court.

Here are my 2 naked necks, I call them Uggos.

Photo was taken in February, they are near as big as my BO now.
Thanks they are so cute I just love these guys !
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