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What a special surprise! Love it!
Pics to follow?

He said I might be the only girl he knows that would be jumping up and down because their husband got baby chicks for their anniversary....LOL I will post pics tonight.... its sunny so I am trying to get my yard picked up its a MESS.... :eek:)
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.... So my husband called me today from work and said I needed to go to the farm store in MT Vernon.... I said why??? Cant I just go to the Coop? he said no go there and go to the desk and give them your name... Again I asked why? He said women just do it already said I love you and hung up..... So I get the kids in the truck drive up there give the girl my name..... AND.....She said Happy Anniversary, I have your BLRW chicks ready to go.
. I had asked him about a month ago if I could get 2 BLRW and he told me NO I had toooo many.... Well now I guess I know why.... He had already ordered and paid for them....

What A great idea ! Chickens as an Anniversary present
I wonder how many chickens I could get my lovely DW for OUR anniversary ? How about a DOZEN chickens,each with a red rose taped to its back ? How could anyone turn that down. RIGHT ???
I'm afraid not. A respirator isn't doing enough, and Mr H won't take over coop cleaning. Anybody want a Brabanter rooster? He's a sweetheart.

Sorry to hear you can't keep your flock ! How big is your coop? you don't have that many chickens do you? Tell Mr. H that you totally understand why he won't clean your coop and that he should understand why you won't be cooking HIS meals or doing HIS laundry or why HE can sleep on the couch from now on
ok i just got back from my trip.... no way to catch up on 1400 post!

Just let me know what I missed....


Welcome back, RW! I need to come see you sometime, I have homemade chicken stock in the freezer for you.

just let me know when :)

Hallerlake, bring the other a frame back here..... I might have a home for it :)
Sorry about the chickens :(
Anybody using Purina Start n Grow losing started chicks over the past month or so????????

Funny...I just hatched chicks for Srucon, and she took them home & had them 2 or 3 days & reported back to me yesterday that she had had a massive die off of the chicks...........suddenly.
What's up ???
hey guys ! I been busy all day cleaning coops & pens and have the massive hatch today, not only my 5 doz eggs in the incubator but also 3 lovely broody hens, 2 Buckeye & 1 Java have peeps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pips still ongoing.....watching the broodies this morning I herad the tiniest muffled peeping & then a little yellow face looked out from under Mommie hen !!!!!!!!!!!

So...I is busy !

Promise pics as soon as I can !
Teresa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 6 T - birds are doing great and the 2 older ones are also doing great !!!
What A great idea ! Chickens as an Anniversary present
I wonder how many chickens I could get my lovely DW for OUR anniversary ? How about a DOZEN chickens,each with a red rose taped to its back ? How could anyone turn that down. RIGHT ???

LOL I only got 2.... I think I would be in trouble if I got 10..... We are in the city and we are suppose to only have 7.... Once they are all grown I will have 12 hens... But as far as chicken math goes 7 is the same as 12 right????
Yep - very thoughtful anniversary present! We know not all spouses are as tolerant of our hobbies or interests, particularly when they are living, being interests that need to be fed and cared for. Nice surprise for you!

Well the funny thing is that I never wanted chickens... I thought they were too stinky... But after about a year of debate I gave in to my husband and my daughter last April and got 6 chicks..... And well I now have 4 pullets who are laying, 4~10 week old pullets, 2~3 week old pullets, 2 ~3 day old chicks and 7~10 week old Barred Rock Cockerels that were packing pellets ( which will be stock in about 6 weeks). I guess I am hooked.
Now the talk around here is bunnies and goats... LOL But yes it was a very nice surprise. I am excited to add a little splash to our flock.
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