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Holy cow behind by 1300 posts ! So i moved the chicks out to their permanate home ! Yay!!! they were just getting too stinky they are 8 weeks so hopefully they will be ok w lows in the 40's i did hook up a heatlamp for them at night via extension cord just for the next few weeks while they adjust ! hope all is well in the BYC

I live in Auburn, too, up near Lake Tapps. Congrats on the new babies!

Thanks for the welcome. You're not that far away. I grew up in Bonney Lake - near Lake Tapps - long before the area was a popular place to live. It's amazing to see how much that area has grown.
My dogs all eat Iams Natural!!! And my smallest dog, my avatar, is the most potent of the three. Happily this is not an issue that comes up very often. I offered my neighbor all the dog poop he can carry away but he refused. Can't understand some people.

Trying very hard to not buy any more chickens right now. We are still working on the coop (the FIRST coop) and haven't even started the run. Speaking of being paranoid about predators - we just bought some industrial metal curtain, known as 'blast curtain' for the run. I am having so much fun!
Littlesticks, when I first read your post I thought the "blast curtain" was to contain your dog's - 'you know whats.' Sorry, I get nutzy when my afternoon nap is interrupted.
Actually, nine eggs; DD took away two dozen for devilled eggs for the birthday party for the two of them they're having Friday night, I finally put the two dozen I had in plastic boxes away; I'll give the hired hand a dozen tomorrow.

The only hen that didn't lay today was Quinta, who gave me a big bright-turquoise one yesterday.
I am having a blast with my chickens and other poultry. However, my turkeys have got me beyond confused... the one tom has decided to sit a nest of eggs the girls have laid. He refuses to leave the nest. And the 3 girls take turns sitting on the other nest of eggs. One time i checked 2 hens were both sitting at the same time. I have never raised turkeys before so wow i am baffled by this ....
Little Emily is born !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At early this morning~~~~~~~~~~~

She is 19" long, screaming (I could hear her through the phone lines !) and is 7.4#
She has Daddy's dark brown hair (and Mommie's) not the golden blonde curly like big sister Chloe............what a little piece of work this little gal is !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Momma is doing great !

we should get baby pics soon !!!

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