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Thought I'd provide something besides grumping and whining.
Patty and Luna:
So this morning first thing I go out to open coops & here is this FACE and I took several pictures & got closer & closer and the face whispered to me !

wanna know what she was whispering ?
(Note how she balances perfectly on her floppy ducky feets on the roost !)

I could barely hear her through the closed window but..........

Finally I heard her whisper:

When ya gonna clean the duck snot off this window ????????????
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So found that my lil BlueBelle (Frizzle) has 5 toes,feathered shoes... while the other Frizzles have 4....the others look Cochin... so now I'm wondering what she "exactly" is.... hmmmmm
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Today I spent 2 hours trying to catch chickens and 1 turkey. I got up to hear hubby's dog (haven't found him a home yet so he's chained up) whining and barking and making all sorts of noise. I walked out to see what the dog was hollering about and looked and about half of the flock of birds was outside of the pen. All I could think of was OhGod NO!!!! because my dog (our rescue dog that is a red heeler) Dolly was out. Guess what? She was showing her natural herding instincts and had managed to keep all the birds between the garage and their pen! I was so happy that my dog didn't kill any of the birds and that she was doing what she's bred to do. She's about 9-10 months old. When we got her, we found her in a ditch with a rope tied around her neck. 2 broken ribs and scared beyond belief. We took her home and doctored her and fed her. She healed up nicely but still will piddle when she's nervous. Ok back to the birds: I opened the door and took a pan of food into the coop. All of my birds but 1 followed me into the pen and were happy. That took 5 minutes. The rest of the 2 hours was spent trying to get my friend's silly birds back into the pen. My female turkey was enjoying a dust bath so when she finished I shooed her back into the pen. It was my friend's birds that were a pain in the butt.

I was just so happy to know that my dog is a good girl and doesn't kill chickens!!!
Ugh! That must feel like a disaster. You could try lining the base with a finer mesh wire, like hardware cloth that the dog couldn't get it's nose through. That is if you are willing to try one more time for hubby's dog. We have a Springer Spaniel and have been very lucky that his interest in chickens has been very mild.
apparently when we opened the second pen to the coop for the birds, the wire was loose in one area. and One of the female turkeys picked and pushed until the wire broke... There was a hole for the birds to get out... But the dog had found a loose area elsewhere and the chick had poked her head through the hole so dog grabbed... Right now I am trying to find the dog a good home without chickens because he is wonderful with the kiddos. He just isn't good around chickens... He is a bird dog but the few times hubby took him out hunting the dog wasn't good at the job. The dog is 3 years old and fixed but a lover too. Just not with chickens lol

I am going to look into smaller wire for around the bottom. right now it's the 2 inch. We did get 1 inch to go around the bottom.
NY IDEAS? I Have about 20 young pullets with a large coop/run 150sq feet and they get to free range my 1/2 acre during the day but for some reason they are plucking the feathers out of my RIR to the point where their was blood so I separated her brought her back inside to the old brooder. They are not eating the feathers should I put some blue cote on her and put her back with the rest or let her feathers grow back first >any and all input would be greatly appreciated !:)
Tell me what you guys think of this 'head' that was given to me.heavy concrete hanging pot, and had a round bottom so DH cut the
botton off and drilled drain holes in the sides & epoxied it to the top of our mail box monument............used to be just flat with nothing on top & needed something..........I planted creeping charlie & lobelia in the 'head' so she will have nice long hair soon........kinda looks creepy though, huh ?

Looks like there is a dead body in the bricks with her head sticking out, huh ?
Well any kids come along & try to baseball bat this are gonna get a surprise !

It is hand cast by an artist friend of DH's youngest daughter.she has give me 2 such "heads"...this is the bigger one.
The other is just a statue, a head rising from the soil in my garden.
Occasionally I find a chicken perched on the 'head's' face as it looks up at the sky.....kinda creepy, huh ?
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