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I plan to turn the light off in the coop when my girls are 10 weeks. They should all be fully feathered by then (even my runt hopefully) and the night averages will hover around 50 degrees in another 5 weeks from now. Should be about perfect! Wish I didn't have to wait so long, but I really don't want to worry about them at night!
Tuesday when I got home from work there was a package in my mailbox. Inside were my FABULOUS lotion bars from Dawn! They were all individually wrapped in tissue and ribbon with sweet little tags accompanying them with a list of the sweet, fragrant ingredients and how to use the lotion bar. I LOVE them. I quickly used one before I took off for a meeting that evening. While in the car my friend noticed the subtle scent and remarked how much she liked it so I had to give her one. I don't think I'm going to be able to hold onto my extras for long.

I am thrilled with my new bars and would highly recommend them - thank you for the quick delivery Dawn - they are wonderful. Using them makes me happy!
I'm so glad you like them too, Dana!
Wait 'til you see the difference they make after you use them for a bit.
I know I sound over the top crazy for Dawn's products but they are straight-up excellent!
Come to think of it though - we have such a great bunch of talented folks on this thread!
Including a lot of artists - from performing artists (now who would that be
) to painters to metal craftmen to writers....the list goes on!
I've always been so in awe of artists!
I'm home sick from work with a bad head cold and a double ear-infection. Yuck!

I'm still waiting on my platinum membership....so until then, I can't post anymore classifieds...so I thought I'd ask--anyone want any Buff Geese eggs? Or Sumatras? Or bantam Favs?

My new Brinsea came (finally) so I'm hunting & gathering and trying to decide what I want to try, first. I'm on a list for some Breda Fowl but I also am eyeing some others....

Did I mention I found someone to build me bantam coops? Finally! He said he needs something to do in the summers because his daughters are gone to their mom's house in Seattle and he has to have something to keep him "from going crazy." I told him I was in no hurry and it would be best to stretch it out over the summer so I can pay him as we go.

I found a design here on BYC that we're going to adapt to our winter climate (sloped roofs on the coops & runs). I'm going to focus primarily on Wyandotte bantams in rare colors....along with my Orloff & Fav bantams.

This is the design I picked out:

Good Lord, this weather is awful. I moved here from AZ and had a big covered outdoor chicken, duck, quail, pheasant, dove pen and a dedicated bunny barn. Now I have bunnies, chickens and quail on the enclosed back porch. Moved some bunnies outside (the ones with the longest hair) and every night I think about bringing them back in, which would mean moving things around again.

It has been in the low 40's here at night, in Ellensburg.

Anyone have button quail to sell or silkie hens or pullets?

Kathy B.
Howdy (kind of) neighbor! I'm in Okanogan! How recently did you move up here?
Boy, it looks like I'm talking to myself again? LOL

Does anyone need/want a gorgeous Lavender Muscovy drake? My Dewlap African scalped him...so he looks like a buzzard! His feathers (the spikes) on his head are gone but genetically, he's still able to make some pretty babies! He is just now 2 years old and a proven breeder. I'm selling him to focus on my silver muscovies and to make room for another breed of duck (not sure what, yet). I'm asking $25 for him OBO.
The new girl on the block and the reason I haven't been on in a while. Boy is she SMART! Learned how to open the kitchen cupboards in a day and remove stuff, like the garbage trash can, food from the pantry etc. I can't take my eyes off her for a minute. Plus, she is as strong as an ox; she's a baby, 9 months and 54 pounds of energy.

Ok your going to make me cry, I had two when my husband and I first started dating years ago. Oh how I miss them .. The best dog in the world!
What a crappy weather day!! Ugh. My poor girls are, pun intended, all cooped up and I SO wish I could have brought them outside today. I can't believe how fast they grow, it's really amazing! They are now 5 weeks old. After the kidlets go to bed I'll probably spend an hour in the coop on a towel just so they don't start to get skittish from being away from me in the coop too much. My two Buff Orpingtons really miss me and always climb all over me when I go out there.
Im completely depressed My dog who had been so good for the last two months and had completely earned my trust for some reason decided to kill and eat one of my pullets. I found her outside chewing on something then saw the pile of feathers all that was left was her head. I could of killed that stupid dog ! I just dont get it she had been so good she would lay their and let them jump on her and she never cared about them iv left them alone together aleast a dozen times and she had never chased or snapped at one before. I feel like its my fault :he
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