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Im completely depressed My dog who had been so good for the last two months and had completely earned my trust for some reason decided to kill and eat one of my pullets. I found her outside chewing on something then saw the pile of feathers all that was left was her head. I could of killed that stupid dog ! I just dont get it she had been so good she would lay their and let them jump on her and she never cared about them iv left them alone together aleast a dozen times and she had never chased or snapped at one before. I feel like its my fault :he

not the boxer in my profile he loves the chickens its my corgie mix that killed the chicken
Quote: I am sorry.
I know how hard it is because we feel so responsible for our animals. But now you know she can't be trusted. Especially now that she has eaten one.
I am sorry. :hugs  I know how hard it is because we feel so responsible for our animals. But now you know she can't be trusted. Especially now that she has eaten one.

yeah I guess Ive gotta build a dag run for when the chickens are free ranging . thanks for the support
I am sorry to hear about your dog. My dog did the same thing awhile back. Actually hubby's dog. He can't be trusted off his chain anymore because he tore into the chicken pen and pulled the birds out to eat them. We are trying to find him a good home with no birds. Because besides the chicken killing thing he is an awesome dog. I am so sorry to hear about your chicken.
Eburger - welcome to the forum. Eburg is a lovely town but the wind can be crazy there. I lived there for 11 years and just moved to Pasco.

Wind -- The daily property exchange. lol.

Again welcome to the forum!!!
I agree. This weather has been crazy. Today, the rain seems to be more depressing than ever. I want to go outside to work in the yard so bad! I'm feeling the cabin fever.

If we had to, yes, we could run an extension cord out the garage window to the coop. It wouldn't be ideal, because even though the garage technically isn't heated, the heat still gets out there and it would raise our power bill having a window open. But, we would do it, if we had to.

So, if yours are 7 weeks, I could probably keep mine inside for at least another 4 weeks? That might not be too bad. They seem to get along fine in the kennel. Thankfully it is tall (3') so I don't think they'll hit the top if they get their flying skills down. I think our garage is much colder than the family room was. After booting them to the garage they started huddling together under the light again. They used to run and play all over the dog kennel when we had it in the family room.
Watch the garage temperature when the sun comes out. It gets really hot, really fast in there. We have them in the garage out of necessity, but it kind of sucks. Of course, it would help if we didn't have all these stray cats everywhere wanting in there.....
WOW! I haev been slacking! So I joined about a month ago. I am in Omak, WA.. We have 4 chicks, 2 Ameracaunas, and 2 Rhode Island Reds. They are 4 weeks old! I am building their outside home this weekend! YAY!!! The currently reside in my sewing room in a covered set up for them. Things I have learned so far.. Set the water up where they can get to it but can not scratch their bedding into it. LOL! And lil chicks are sure eat a LOT! WOW! My kids are 6 adn 8 and have been doing a great job of taking care of the chicks! They might even show them at the fair if I can figure out how all of that works.. LOL!

Yea!!!! Got the chicken run finished today before the rain storm hit. Now my chicken/bird pen is 8foot x 15 foot Then the coop which was an old shed. Other side was 23foot x 8 foot and we just added another 25 feet to it. Fully enclosed top and bottom with wire. My birds are loving it and so are my friend's birds which are staying in the pen with mineou The top had to be enclosed otherwise the dang turkeys would try their hardest to fly out. So would the pigeons of my friend. Ducks have a small 4 inch deep swimming pool to play in and all the birds just loved the finished product...

Makes me happy to know that my birds are all safe from predators...
I am sorry to hear about your dog.  My dog did the same thing awhile back. Actually hubby's dog.  He can't be trusted off his chain anymore because he tore into the chicken pen and pulled the birds out to eat them.  We are trying to find him a good home with no birds.  Because besides the chicken killing thing he is an awesome dog.   I am so sorry to hear about your chicken. 

Shes a really good dog also we are gonna keepem separated and shes gonna spend alot of time on the leash with me and the chickens she a very passive dog I think we can work this out but I'll never trust her alone again
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