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Quote: The problem with helping chicks, is that you don't know which ones need help due to humidity / temp issues now, and which ones need help because they weren't going to hatch anyway...and know that if you help a chick hatch, there is a good chance you will also either watch them die later, or help them along because they shouldn't have hatched in the first place.

If they can't even pip the shell, I wouldn't help them at all. If they are pipping a good sized hole, and then not making progress, they are likely shrink wrapped in there, and then I will help at least enough to see if that's the problem...if they aren't shrink wrapped and they can't zip, they likely weren't meant to be....

Ditto all that Jeanine said!!! Definently don't help any today, or even early tomorrow! With an LG, I've had chicks hatch as late as day 24.....being that today is day 21, give it at least through tomorrow, but like Jeanine said, stop opening the bator!!!!!!!
Ditto all that Jeanine said!!! Definently don't help any today, or even early tomorrow! With an LG, I've had chicks hatch as late as day 24.....being that today is day 21, give it at least through tomorrow, but like Jeanine said, stop opening the bator!!!!!!!

I'll have to open it one more time to get the chick out. It's standing up in it's dish, but every time I look in the incubator it gets excited and tries to climb out. Darn it, I'd like to have a couple of buddies for it, but I'm stuck at home with a sick kid. I assume the 2 week olds will be too rough for one day old chick? Or am I wrong?

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Hooray! It's bi-annual worming day today! I've written my list of chickens and I'm off to do them one at a time until they're all caught and checked off. Might have to wait until tonight to do some...if I can't catch them with treats this afternoon. Fun times huh? I hope that helps Ethel grow a little bit. She *might* be the one chicken that I know escaped worming last time around.
That's funny, Colville! I'm a Harshbarger, there were a lot of us around there at one point. My brother just passed away in town there in March.... Somehow, the nostalgia seems lost. I went to CHS for a little bit, my math teacher was the awesome Mr. Fine. There were a ton of memorable teachers!! Love my pottery teacher, she was the best
Don't think I ever met any of your family but the name does sound familiar. LOL small towns, what can you do? Mr. Fine was yet another great teacher.
It sounds like you have already given up hope on the other chicks even though you saw movement and it's only day 21? I don't get that! Give them another day or two to hatch! The little guy will be fine by himself waiting for his hatch mates to arrive! And that chick is fine in the incubator by himself for 48 hours or so. They have digested the yolk right before hatching and that gives him all that he needs for the next 48 hours or so. So DO NOT OPEN IT!!!!!! Be patient, and step away from the incubator!!!! LOL!
Quote: IMO unless it is drowning LEAVE IT BE. SET ON YOUR HANDS silly girly!!! You are just risking making things so much worse. The peeps from that one will also help to cheer the others on. OK lets review our lesson from a few days ago! A watched pot NEVER BOILS and WATCHED EGGS NEVER HATCH !!!! OK so set on yer handsies take a few deep breaths and remember this is nature. If they couldn't do it on their own guess what? Chickens would have been gone many many many years ago. Now
I hope the rest of this goes well and wishing you best of luck!

No don't even think about it I see ya wantin to open that bator. Back away and leeverB.
All this incubator talk is making me glad I'm going to be away the weekend mine are supposed to hatch. I know DH will have no problem ignoring the bator. I think waiting for chicks to hatch those last couple of days might be pretty stressful.

All this incubator talk is making me glad I'm going to be away the weekend mine are supposed to hatch. I know DH will have no problem ignoring the bator. I think waiting for chicks to hatch those last couple of days might be pretty stressful.

Yep. I usually plan my hatches around my work days, so I'm not home a lot, and when I am, I'm sleeping. :)
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