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That is what I found in a nest box this morning. Wonder if my 2 babies are gearing up to lay?! Woohoo!
Hi everyone,
I have a couple questions after I visited the state fair in puyallup this year.... I saw a couple chickens that I wish I could have stuffed in my purse, left a check and took home with me :D

Does anyone know the following owners of these?

Black bantam Cochin pullet (Rob Smith)
Huge buff Cochin hen (Paige Preece)
A Mille fluer Cochin pair (I forgot the name on them)

I would love to know who bred those and if they sell eggs/chicks or would be willing to sell the actual chicken when they ate ready to change projects...

They were gorgeous :)
Speaking of animal to human infections...

I thought it was interesting to watch the interview between Dr. Oz and the two doctors who saved the life of the young girl who became ill with the Bubonic Plague. One of the doctors mentioned that there were multiple possibilities of where she could have contracted it - of those, two of them she mentioned included flea bites from fleas near the dead squirrel that the little girl was looking at, and from rat feces the girl may have been in contact with while playing in a chicken coop.

And another article - different fleas, different squirrel, different location: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/...ague-california-tests-positive_n_1954502.html
Still looking for advice on when and how to reintroduce our injured hen, Salma, to the flock. Stubborn little thing clearly feels she's ready but she still has scabs healing on her face and wattles. Please help!
They completely stopped rocking shortly after going into lockdown early yesterday. Is that normal?

Today is day 18.

I'm just going to sit on my hands and hope for the best. I wonder if their rocking was the embryos responding to being turned every 45 minutes. They would settle down, the egg wouldn't move, then they would start rocking on their own, then the turner would turn them, and they'd go through that process again.
Hatching is exhausting. Chicks rest a LOT during the process.
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