Watch Chickens with Horizontal Nipples - Leave extra water source in case

So just like the title reads...
If switching to horizontal nipples, be careful. I've read a lot of different things here, and as well as the instructions for the nipples.
I saw what I thought was at least 7 of my girls drinking from them.
So I thought okay...they're good. They all seemed fine, as I watch them regularly anyways.
Well today I just happened to go check on them. I almost didn't open their gate, but I ended up doing so.
I counted 8....there's 9. So I looked for her. Didn't see her anywhere on the ground with them. I see some feathers in the coop. I go look and she's laying on her side. I thought she was dead. Her feet moved. I grabbed her instantly. Fiance grabbed some water and she started drinking. She could barely stand up, but she drank. So we brought her inside. Put some of their electrolyte stuff in her water and she kept drinking here and there. She finally seems a lot better after a hour or so. She started eating too. I wet her food significantly to help her eat and get water. So she is inside now in a spare dog kennel we had. Will monitor her. I also did add their old waterer back to the run, in case anyone else was struggling with the nipples. I've seen them many times a day using them. And they already went through a whole 3 gallon jug. But obviously, nipples aren't for all chickens. So I just wanted to say, always provide them with something else. Thank you for all your inputs here as well. I did some searching when she didn't seem well, but we instantly figured it was water/dehydration anyways. Which I hope it was. I don't want to lose "Esme" btw she is a Silkie...if that matters.
I just switched my flock over to horizontal nipples. It did take a few days for them to learn how to use but I would make sure they see me press the nipples and water come out. I mainly do it now because it is below zero and I want to make sure water is not frozen.
I was watching their water usage as I switched.
I just switched my flock over to horizontal nipples. It did take a few days for them to learn how to use but I would make sure they see me press the nipples and water come out. I mainly do it now because it is below zero and I want to make sure water is not frozen.
I was watching their water usage as I switched.
Don't u just--Plz don't call yourself, whydoIlikechickens, cuz chickens are too epic!
Since u seem to know these things, what is after chirping and how many reactions do u have to receive for it to change?
I’m not sure on the exact numbers... maybe 100? I know I bumped up to songster at 250.
To be honest, you will likely start to get more “reactions” by staying on topic in threads. Nothing wrong with asking questions, but maybe in the right places?

I’m glad I could help
I just switched my flock over to horizontal nipples. It did take a few days for them to learn how to use but I would make sure they see me press the nipples and water come out. I mainly do it now because it is below zero and I want to make sure water is not frozen.
I was watching their water usage as I switched.
I watched them to see it being used which after a few used it...they were all interested. And yep watched their water as well. Just I couldn't sit there and watch them all day to make sure they all used them. And I followed what I thought was the right thing to do. Now I know better myself. And I haven't chosen a camera just yet for them. But glad I caught it when I did. She's still very lethargic like...but she's eaten, drank, and pooped a lot finally. So I take that as a good sign. She seemed to be very constipated from what I cleaned up.
Very glad you caught it in time and were able to save your bird!

I had one chicken that took several weeks to get the hang of horizontal nipples (crossbeak, aiming is not her strong suit) so I've always advocated giving each individual bird attention when training to nipples. That might be impossible with a very large flock, but with 9 birds, it's much more doable to check and track each one to make sure they're able to toggle and drink properly.
Yes I can only imagine how others might manage that. I hate the open waterer they get it so dirty no matter if I hang it or set it on blocks. So that was my plan to switch to horizontal nipples. But I saw them all interested and majority of them drinking so thought they would be okay. Plus I did not notice any abnormal behavior over the past few days. But obv she wasn't getting any. She seems a lot better. Still very weak though, but it hasn't been 24 hours. She will probably be a ton better in the am, I hope. I keep checking on her every 20 minutes or so. As I just want to make sure she's okay.
Chickens are so interesting. There’s always one that seems to constantly surprise you! I switched my chickens to horizontal nipples for at about 7 months old and all 9 took to them just fine. The weird thing, is that after 3 weeks, maybe 2 gallons were gone from the 7 gallons we put in! They all seemed to be fine but I was scared try at they didn’t like the nipples or something... so I started hauling water to their two quart bowl every morning. The most they’ve ever gone through in a day is maybe 3/4 of a quart... that’s like a little over an ounce per chicken per day! Nearly 4 months later, their water intake is the same if not less and they’re all fine. I guess they prefer snow... either that, or I mistakenly purchased a rare strain of feather camel.

I hope your Esme makes a full recovery and figures out the water situation(if that was the problem). Great job paying attention!
Thank you, and yeah I'm blown away as I saw them all over there pecking at them drinking no issues. But we do have 3 white I can't know for sure which one was which from the fence where I peek in. I plan on keeping the annoying waterer out there anyways. I hate cleaning it as it gets gross, so that's why I wanted to change to this. But we did make it where we can wash it out easily just in case. And even the pvc cups seem to get gross from what I've seen too. I guess I might just be too much of a clean person for chicken waterers lol but oh well I'll suck it up. They can just use both 😏 no snow here in SE Texas, so they need all the water they can get.
Thank you, and yeah I'm blown away as I saw them all over there pecking at them drinking no issues. But we do have 3 white I can't know for sure which one was which from the fence where I peek in. I plan on keeping the annoying waterer out there anyways. I hate cleaning it as it gets gross, so that's why I wanted to change to this. But we did make it where we can wash it out easily just in case. And even the pvc cups seem to get gross from what I've seen too. I guess I might just be too much of a clean person for chicken waterers lol but oh well I'll suck it up. They can just use both 😏 no snow here in SE Texas, so they need all the water they can get.

Yeah we had the float cups on a bucket over summer, and even those backwashed. I’m looking forward to seeing how the nipples do in summer! We get into the triple digits and we’re high up so super dry. I’m sure I’ll still put out the bowl so they can dip their wattles to cool down, but 🤷🏼‍♀️

I guess I’d rather have too many option than not enough! And one two quart bowl is quick and easy... just dump and refill.
I’m looking forward to seeing how the nipples do in summer! We get into the triple digits and we’re high up so super dry. I’m sure I’ll still put out the bowl so they can dip their wattles to cool down, but 🤷🏼‍♀️

I guess I’d rather have too many option than not enough! And one two quart bowl is quick and easy... just dump and refill.
For hot parts of summer, you definitely want to have more watering options available, even if all the birds are fine with nipples. Way too easy for them to get dehydrated or heat stressed when talking about high temperatures like that.
For hot parts of summer, you definitely want to have more watering options available, even if all the birds are fine with nipples. Way too easy for them to get dehydrated or heat stressed when talking about high temperatures like that.
Oh yeah most definitely. For the 2-3 weeks that we hit triple digits, I also give them high water content snacks... like grapes or watermelon, daily. Plus we’ll be doubling our flock this year, so I want to have at least three separate watering stations to ensure no traffic jams. Although, like nesting boxes, I’m sure they’ll all have the same favorite 😂

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